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Oblivion Stops a second or two after bethesda logo starts


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I run on steam and have many mods installed, including OOO, MMM, and Qarls Texture Pack 3 along with many other changes. I have FCOM, OBSE, BOSS, and Wyre Bash (although i'm not exactly sure what it does other then bash patch). I run using OBSE and the launcher appears. When I press play the screeen turns black and i hear the beginning of the music that plays and the first half of "Bethesda" begins to fade in. The screen then turns all black and I get returned to the desktop without any error message. Anyone have an idea whats going on?
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This is the exact description of what happens if you have your Oblivion.ini set up to use a font that you don't have. This crash most commonly happens after deactivating Darn UI as an OMOD.


Make a backup of your Oblivion.ini and then delete it. When you start the game make a new character save then exit and it will make you a new Oblivion.ini from scratch. Any mods that made changes to your old Oblivion.ini will need to be reinstalled so they can reapply the changes.

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