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Problems getting Viewmodels to work on Melee mod


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So I'm working on a Gibson EB-0 Mod(It's actually an FLCL mod but the EB0 is my testbed for now) For New Vegas and I'm using my preliminary half finished model to learn how to properly add weapons into the game.



My issue is that while I can see the weapon in 3rd person I get no model in first person even though I create a first person Part for the game to use in GECK under where all the first person models are in the object directories and set it up like the rest of the first person models.

The weapon uses this first person which I have named as 1stPersonGibsonEB0 in the first person directory chooser.




I originally used the fire axe as a base and tried making separate nifs for first and third person, it didn't work. Now I'm using the super sledge as a base and am using the same model for the first person and 3rd views and am getting the same problem.


My question is if is it a problem with textures, the nif file itself or what? And if anyone could point me to a proper melee tutorials it'd be of great help because I can only find actual gun tutorials.

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I have an extra question to ask, sorry about the bump but after days of fiddling with many things it still wont work. Still no view model and occasionally in 3rd person when I change camera angles the model disappears.


As for my new question.

As the model itself grows far beyond the base I used to test exporting into game I want to know something. Is it possible for a melee weapons to use multiple parts each with their own texture? Or do I have to merge the 2 textures I'm using for this weapon into one? I'm no fan of loosing detail where I need it, but most of the guitar is solid colored for the cartoony look anyways. Since the main texturing job will be on the motor, frets and screws/bolts.

Edited by Rodwy
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I tried creating a texture set for the 1stperson model and assigning it to the static model through the FNVEdit and still have the same issue. Also when I move the camera around in 3rd person the model occasionally disappears from certain angles. Edited by Rodwy
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I tried going by that tutorial to no avail with melee weapons, and that seems to be the only one that mentions them.


Melee nifs have no Animation, and only a single model to replace, I've tried using the fireaxe, supersledge and shovel nifs and still no luck.


As you can see by my avatar I got the eyebrows glasses mod working. But that has nothing to do with viewmodels.

Edited by Rodwy
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