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Delayed Save


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Any and all kinds of saves are EXTREMELY delayed. When the save is triggered it takes a full minute to kick in. When fast traveling it took longer and would lock on the map screen because of autosave. It would lock on a black screen after the load screen when walking into a building. Waiting an actual short period of time is faster than using the wait function.


I disabled all types of autosaves for a temporary fix, but they are useful, and I need help so I can use them again.

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Never had this kind of problem before... auto save functions are known to cause all kinds of errors and bad performance. :wallbash: :excl: Do you also overwrite your save files? You should make a new save every time you save and delete the old ones you don't use. :wacko: Do you use custom save mod? What mods are you currently using?
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Its ALL saves. Any save I use Quick, Auto, and regular all take forever to save. I overwrite a lot of my saves, I have 3 for the character Im currently using besides the quicksaves. I use regular saves after big quest sets and quicksaves between them. I didnt even know custom save mods existed :P and im using a LOT of mods, but this only started recently...although it was after a burst modding so I don't know which one it could be in particular.
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I don't know what to tell ya because I'm no expert but make sure your rig is good to run this game. Also, defragment your hdd to see if that would help with the lag issue. Try using Gamebooster to turn off background apps too. You can download it here: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html
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Also, defragment your hdd to see if that would help with the lag issue. Try using Gamebooster to turn off background apps too. You can download it here: http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html


I disagree with defragging After installing Oblivion. In my experience, this makes the game lag. Every defrag program I have used has made the game lag. I would recommend un-installing it and then make a fresh install. You could defrag your disk before re-install, but I wouldn't recommend it after. That may well be the problem.


Gameboosters is a great program, though I have never used it myself.


You might also have a problem with your ram. You can check that here: can you run it?. But usually if your computer has no trouble playing the game, that isn't the issue. What settings do you have the game set to?


Sometimes it is because you have too much stuff on your hard drive. Try to empty your trash folder.


And then sometimes you need to re-install windows. I bought a copy of winXP to install onto a vista machine, so I have the disk to do it (no I will not send you an iso). If you need to go this route, make sure to back up ALL your drivers for your machine, and write down the registration code on your info screen (start>control panel>system). Only do this if you have a clean disk of winXP, my buddy got a great virus from one he bit torrented and it fried his hard drive. This last advice is only if everything on your computer is slowing down.

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My computer is a gaming computer for one, it's designed for hardcore gameplay, the HDD has plenty of space, so there isn't too much crap in the way. Especially since I know how to set it up to make sure it scans a certain section first, and it scans the oblivion folder first before continuing. Gamebooster won't help because I prioritize my RAM, and disable high-cost background programs. Anyway I figure out it's because of a certain heavy mesh that delays the lag. The Wolven Anthro armor.
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The major problem with Oblivion is that it was not optimized for new generations of hardware meaning no multi-core support, no tessellation, etc etc. So even if your rig is high end, it will lag no matter what you do. Then again if you get 30+ fps it's playable. I love Oblivion but wish Bethesda did a better job of tweaking the game to PC not consoles. There's another option you could try although it comes with risks. If you go to Nexus and search for Pyffi there are some softwares to optimize the meshes. Never tried this route before but that's an option for you. Like I said, though this is a bit risky because it's known to cause more lags and crashes sometimes. Edited by shinobi2008
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