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Oblivion XP and Deadly Reflex 5 problems.


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2 different problems. I don't think their connected though.


For oblivion XP,

I reinstalled it to an existing save but now whenever I receive experience, instead of the "18XP Gained from..." showing up it shows "Oblivion XP Initiated! Now running..." over and over again. I still gain the exp though but it would be nice if anyone knew how to fix this.


For DR5,

My character will only perform throat slits or ambush attacks when in third person. If I attempt it at first person my character doesn't do anything until I go to third person. After a while though if I get out of sneaking mode and go about my business the messages show up saying I need to be closer to my target to do these even though he was long dead. It's like DR5 or OBSE is lagging or something.


Also, any way I could use DR6 without the "third person" first person camera?


Thanks for any help.

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