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If you had a million $s....


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If you had a million dollers(or the extange value for 1 million US) what would you do with it? Bank? Party? Stock? Donate? What?


I would have to say I'd buy a few fancy computer things donate a goodly sum to some, unchosen organization, and then put the rest in the bank.


How about you?

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Buy two houses. Fix up and then rent those houses out for a while, then sell them. Continue doing this. Get more money. Than I would buy myself some senators. I'd make them have some profit go to the 'widows and orphans swiss bank account'. Then With that money I'd buy some presidents. You know, U.S., China, Britain, the like. With the might of my three armies, raid Russia, and be the first to conquer it. Then I would lead a massive war taking over the whole world. Now that I own the world... Who needs money??



ahh... to be a millionaire...

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I would buy a BIG ass computer with all the latest gizmos and doo-hickeys. and i would make sure my families bills were all paid. a new car would be nice too. i just wish i had some lady to waste it on...oh well, all the money in the world cant heal a broken heart.
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I would make sure that all of mine and my family's bills were taken care of. Then I would use a little bit to indluge myself and my fiance in some toys we want, like an xbox, more useless computer stuff, maybe add a dark room for developing photos and put in a sun porch so that my girl has someplace to sit in the sun.

Of whatever was left, I would put half in savings and the other half would be split between mutual funds, some property and the stock market.

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Three-floor studio apartment with a T1 line 'net connection on California beachfront property, maybe Hawaii. My own bakery would be nearby, within walking distance. But, not even am million dollars can buy a girlfriend. :P :bye:

20% into a charity.

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Pay off my mortgage, have a decent holiday, do something for the orphans in Romania and the Ukraine. If there was any left - maybe sort out paying off some bills for the rest of my family.


And for most of you, remember this advice, girls and computer addicts don't mix!

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