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Texturing advice, anyone?


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So, I've been texturing for over a year now, and I find it quite easy, execpt for one thing: making cloth look realistic.

So I was hoping people here would have some advice for me :)

Any tips on other materials is appreciated as well!


I am working from a blank UVmap (modeled the clothing myself)

Thank you for reading and any future comments :)

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It's not too hard. If you want to know how to make it haindpainted, I need to know wether to use Photoshop or something else. In Photoshop, it is rather simple.

However, it is simlpler to get a picture of some fabric, royalty free pictures like cgtextures.com, and go from that.


One thing to make cloth look good: The creases. Cloth creases easily and logically. It is hard to give you some concrete advices, without knowing what you are texturing.

Clothes for a person? Do some studies and get the creases where the cloth is being pulled by force and by gravity.

Cloth hanging down? Same thing applies. Which factors pulls the cloth, and where is it logical to crease due to the gravity?


I could help a little more, if I knew more.




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and for quality textures you need quality normal mapping

Partly true. A good normal map is needed, but so is specularity map. For some reason, almost everybody modding seem to forget to make a good specularity map. So many metal textures look like plastic or concrete.


An example of a "cloth" texture I made in a few minutes. A base texture. This means the color is just there for "lolz", and it lacks any practical purpose. I would overlay a real cloth picture above it, and start adding creases.

I just made it to show how easy making a base texture is, but its also only a small part of the whole texture. The overlaying, normal mapping and specularity plays a good part. I'd also say gloss map, but I am not sure if Nifskope supports it?




I still would need more information, to help you further :)




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