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FONV won't launch with any mods enabled


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I downloaded some mods today and wanted to try them out in NV, but when I turned them on in FOMM, the game wouldn't launch. The process would start itself and a small executable window would appear briefly, but then it would kill itself and I'd be back at my desktop. If I uncheck all the .esm files in FOMM, it will launch fine, so I'm wondering if it's because I'm trying to use these mods that it's crashing or if I'm erring in some other way.


With my mods enabled, I've tried launching from FOMM, from the launcher, and from the .exe itself, and all 3 yield me the same result. If anyone has an idea as to what's going on here, please help.


Thank you for your time.

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Hi there :)


Well, there is only one method to your problem: Testing.

Go to the modmanager, enable like three mods at a time and try starting the game.

Works? Great, so these mods are fine.

After a while you'll stumble upon the mods, that causes the CTD (crash to desktop).

Then you have two options:

1. Looking at the mods page, if there is f.e. a compatibility patch, etc.

2. Don't use that mod.


It's exhausting, but the only way to solve this isue.


PS: excuse my english

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