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a way to get past level 53.5


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when a high level (or any) simply go to prison alot so you loose loads of stats till there at about 0-5 then gain them up again and i pretty sure you dont loose levels when you loose stats in prison. this means you should be able to get a high level character, without cheating (kind of)


i can't be arsed to try this but im sure it would work and be fun going on rampages killing everyone in town. if anyone does or has tried can you let me know if it works.



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Sorry to say this, but this one was discovered quite a while ago.

Not to mention, still technically cheating (just like 100% chamelion), and rampages through towns usually result in someone useful getting killed.


Nevermind the fact that you're still limited by your statistcs, and that levels past 30 really don't mean anything since your main combat skills are usually maxed, your main stats are maxed, and the things you face really don't get any stronger.

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