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Replacing Ownership


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Okay, so here goes.


The other day i decided to make my own little Chapter house out of the recently abandoned Weynon priory using various CM's. all was going well until i got lazy and rather than walk the rest of the distance down the hall decided to use the "setownership" command on a bed to allow my character to sleep. this was all fine and dandy until later in the game day (or night) i realized that the CM's all were sleeping except one, who wouldn't sleep despite the fact that there was a free bed. After racking my brain for reasons why one CM wouldn't sleep i realized it was because technically I owned the only free bed left, so it couldn't sleep there for the same reason that i couldn't earlier.

My Question is how to i reset the ownership to a free bed rather than a bed that i own, or even transfer ownership from myself to the CM? I've been to the TESIV Wiki and used just about every console command i could find that had to do with ownership but for the life of me i'm ether doing it wrong or its just not working.

My other question is how do i find the base value for a non-vanilla object IE Gold is "f" Skeleton key is "b" Blk Soul Gems are "382e0"


~ Any help is appreciated and i thank you in advance

- JD

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The only way to reset ownership I can think MIGHT work would be to use the console and have the NPC call an ownership function on the bed. So got to console and click the bed then type "[NPC Editor ID].setownership"


you will need to open up the mod which contains the CM NPC in the construction set and find them on the NPC list. The colum right next to the NPC's editor id will be a collapsed ref ID column, just drag the column edge to the right to reveal the HEX values for the NPC's (that's how you find the base editor ID for anything BTW) but it may or may not work. Otherwise try the standard editor name that's listed for the NPC (ex: Marlas Narusco might be "marlasmarusco" as the editor ID)


there are also tons of item lists out there and one I stumbled upon somewhere that was the base HEX editor ID for all objects in the game, but can't remember where I saw that.


Anyways, hope it works, good luck. If not, the only other hope you have is to use the TES construction kit and simply add a new bed into the mod with the ownership set as the NPC, or manually reset the NPC ownership (but the save game may over ride that, so adding a bed may be best)

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oh and just to clarify, the [NPC editor ID] in the above console command I listed should be replaced with whatever the hex value is for the CM you are trying to give ownership of the bed to. Again, it may not work, but it's worth a shot.


Otherwise to add a bed, open the CS, open the MOD you are wanting to edit, make sure you select "make active" which makes it the mod that all changes save to, then on the bottom right is the list of cells, choose interiors from the drop down menu (should be there by default) and find WeynonPrioryHouse and double click on it. When it loads just click something and press "T" to get a top view zoomed in. Navigate around using the mouse scroll and center click to drag the camera around in the viewer. Once you get where you want the bed, click another item and press T to center the view above it.


Then in the object pane on the left go down to world objects and then find furniture and find a bed and drag it to the viewer, you can press "F" to make the object fall to the floor (or til it hits something). Just make sure it's on the ground and centered where you want then double click on it. The object properties window will come up, find the ownership tab and select the NPC you want to own the bed, if you don't the bed will default to ownership of whoever owns the cell. Then save and you should be good

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