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What will happen when the game is released?


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@Enter_77. I was just reminding everyone that 11-11-11 has an entirely different meaning to many people. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.


While for Skyrim it's the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 2011


The release of Skyrim, while an important event to us gammers (yes to me also) :tongue: means nothing to most people, and in a few weeks, after the release, it won't mean much to us either. While the other meaning of 11-11-11 does still mean a lot to many others, and hopefully will not be forgotten. As a veteran from a family of veterans it probably means much more to me than most of us.

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Well thanks guys, on the other hand....



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@Enter_77. I was just reminding everyone that 11-11-11 has an entirely different meaning to many people. The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.


While for Skyrim it's the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 2011


The release of Skyrim, while an important event to us gammers (yes to me also) :tongue: means nothing to most people, and in a few weeks, after the release, it won't mean much to us either. While the other meaning of 11-11-11 does still mean a lot to many others, and hopefully will not be forgotten. As a veteran from a family of veterans it probably means much more to me than most of us.


Well I turn 16 on the eleventh minute of the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

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What will happen? Well, much of the world will not even notice. Many more will be recognizing 11-11-11 as Armistice or Remembrance day - Did you even know that is what 11-11-11 signifies to many people? And not for the release of a game. The sun will rise just like it always has, people will go to work kids, will go to school, Politicians will make meaningless speeches - it will probably be a day just like most others. I seriously doubt the world will even end on that day. :tongue:


If you don't know about Armistice or Remembrance day, (It's called different things in different countries) but is marked in US, Canada, England, France, Belgium, New Zealand, Australia and many other countries around the world. you must not have been paying much attention in history class. :rolleyes:

I'm skipping school for Skyrim :)

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