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HELP! - Strange Whistling Noise in Most Menus


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Hello all,


This is my first post in these extensive forums, albeit I have a problem, but I hope to be returning the favors soon.


I got Oblivion to beat the wait til Skyrim. I have a Logitech G35 Headset and here's my problem. In most menu's and in-game items I get a strange whistling noise in the left ear when my mouse pointer is over them.

I've .ini'd, configged and googled extensively and no one else seems to have this problem, except one guy, but that was to do with his headset jack, and mine is a usb. I haven't had this problem with ANY other game.

My only guess is that it is some strange codec issue. I couldn't find out what codec Oblivion uses or where I could maybe swap it (I have very little knowledge on codecs and assumed I could change it like Dead Islands.. apparently not).


This noise only happens in Oblivion so I'm guessing Oblivion is sending a sound to my headset that the drivers..or something aren't compatible with, and it reads it as a persistent whining noise.

If anyone has any suggests please, I'm at wits end.


Thanks for reading!



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