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Fallout: New California


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PaladinVoci - Co-creator/G.E.C.K implementer

Darius - Co-creator/Worldspace editor

Darziak - Interior editor/Texture editor/model editor

AChestBreach- Modeler/Voice Actor

King Risama - Modeler

Dinning - Unkown :?

Lone Mutant Studios - NPCs/dialogue/concept art/stats





:D = we have created it

:/ = we are working on it

>:C = we have not created yet


In further versions you will be able to explore places like


- Shady Shads (NCR capitol) :/

- Lost Hills (the First Brotherhood Bunker) :/

- Junktown >:C

- The Boneyard >:C

- The Glow >:C

- The Hub >:C

- Vault 13 :D (but we have a door problem)

- Vault 15 :D

- Necropolis >:C

- Mariposa Military Base >:C





The NCR Adventure begins when you are forced to through customs to procced to the Golden Wasteland. Before this you must go through the NCR Capitol "Shady Sands" where

a rebel group called BlueStripes are protesting outside of the immegration building about how the NCR needs to pull out of the Mojave because there wasting time, men, and supplies. Quickly you hear a crack of a shotgun and a bluestripe member was just shot by multiple patrol rangers.A Bluestripes member pleades to you to bring his friend to safty. As the NCR members continue slaughter the Bluestripes the man who asked you to help was shot in the head by a desert ranger's sniper rifle, as this proceeds to go on the NCR ranger yells "Thanks for distracting him, I got a clear shot at that *censored*"


This where you choose your side


Ether you shoot at the NCR members and start to drag the still alive Bluestripes members back to their base, or follow the NCR and slaughter the Bluestripes.

You will gain faction points for this choice ether way.




After the Defeat of the Enclave at the Oil Rig the Remnants went into hiding in secret bunkers around california. Others sough out to immegrate into the NCR, most of those people were hunted and killed by the NCR & Brotherhood.


In major cities you might notice that there is creepy suspicous people in Shady Sands, San fransico, the Boneyard. These ominous figures are Enclave Spies. They report back to the main secret base to give intel to the enclave as a whole because Eyebots would be too obviuos for any outside contact. They relay the Intel which gets sent to the Generals & the president who draw ups the battle plans.


Their main base of operations is the rebuilt Oil Rig west of the Boneyard and there two other outposts around the wasteland. One is the twice ransacked Vault 13 that was taken over after the Vault residents had died out. The other Outpost is to the north where Vault City is located the purpose is an underground facility is a secret Vertibird refueling station.


With new times the Enclave was able to develope a stealth sheild and sound void concealer that mutes the engines and makes the vertibird invisible.





Ever since the defeat of the Master the NCR & Brotherhood have been allies there is a statue located in Shady Sands



There is two ways to join or help the brotherhood. There is multiple Sub-Offices in the California such as Shady Sands, The Den, and San Fransico. The Main locations

for the Brotherhood is their original bunker Lost Hills & the Navarro Military Base that was Annexed after the defeat of the Enclave at the oil rig.



After the battle the NCR comed over the land and let the Brotherhood take it over and then salvaged lots of enclave tech, and still reside there today.

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The story seem's pretty bad in my opinion. The Enclave should be pretty much wiped out by now, and it would have taken a hell of a lot of time to make a vertibird undectable.


Secondly, if the Blue Stripese are a rebel group why would they be holding a peaceful protest? I don't think a Rebel group would just go "Okay, lets go protest near that building with all of those troops near it."


And if they were protesting peacefully why would the NCR shoot them then? I know the NCR is somewhat corrupt but I doubt they'd just shoot people that are protesting. Also, how could the BoS and NCR be allies? Im pretty sure they hate eacother, and I really doubt there'd be a group large enough to be a fighting force left in NCR territory.

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The story seem's pretty bad in my opinion. The Enclave should be pretty much wiped out by now, and it would have taken a hell of a lot of time to make a vertibird undectable.


Secondly, if the Blue Stripese are a rebel group why would they be holding a peaceful protest? I don't think a Rebel group would just go "Okay, lets go protest near that building with all of those troops near it."


And if they were protesting peacefully why would the NCR shoot them then? I know the NCR is somewhat corrupt but I doubt they'd just shoot people that are protesting. Also, how could the BoS and NCR be allies? Im pretty sure they hate eacother, and I really doubt there'd be a group large enough to be a fighting force left in NCR territory.

It's a Fan Boy story.

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