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Okay good list. people don't understand um.... :nuke: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY CO-OP WITH PEOPLE :nuke: I like borderlands you don't have to play with other people and plus you can only play with friends if you want so if your friends are killing all of your npcs then don't play with them.
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Okay good list. people don't understand um.... :nuke: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY CO-OP WITH PEOPLE :nuke: I like borderlands you don't have to play with other people and plus you can only play with friends if you want so if your friends are killing all of your npcs then don't play with them.



Is that the only argument you have? Dont play a game clearly made for co-op, as a co-op? Or we could just not make the game a co-op, and you can let your friend's watch.

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We have some people talking about a horde mode.




Horde Mode... violates these core concepts of TES



The affected

1:Open world with limitless possibility

2:The ability to actually look and play how you want to

4:The ability to accomplish and complete multiple questlines and receive some symbol of office

6:The ability to challenge ones own patience, limits and skill and feel like you get better

7:The fact that the game can be played multiple times and it is ALWAYS different

8:That you can seek out and collect a multitude of rare treasure

10: The Modding Community


1. The game world will either be a dungeon or a small city that is being overrun (Passwall or the Imperial city, both during their invasion). Unable to enter separate cells (houses), unable to leave, and unable to fall back to recover.


2. EVEN IF you could bring in your player character, many players in the new "everything counts" system will have useless skills. They would have toYo bring back the old classes and give players some skills and spells and equipment to keep the game even. Then, sneaking will have to be tweaked, else you would just sneak attack everyone when in rough spots. It would be a disgusting oversimplification on the game.


4. So you get through 50 waves of deadra, or zombies, or werewolves... and then what? You die. You start over. Or you have an "end" like Halo, then what? You play it again? Just to do the same thing... insanity, doing things over and over expecting a different result.


6. You again will be babysitting teammates, or hiding behind them. They may try to grievance you, And even if you put stoppers like that in place, you have no control over the people you play with... even good friends have to pee eventually. And if you are newer to the game, you will get a sense that you are awful, when really there are countless ways to play the main game.


7. Not only will the encounters be similar, but the maps will be the same. You will be returning to the same places over and over. and killing the same things over and over. It takes the fun out of those finishing moves, and out of really destroying a swarm of enemies and barely coming out alive. No... those things are expected.


8. What is the point? Will you get a reward? Or a pat on the back? Remember the potato snatcher quest? Kill an orge and get some bread... yeah this is kill an army or two and we will congratulate you by saying... good for you.


10. Mods and modders are WHO PLAY THIS GAME. They are the lifeblood that keeps it active even past the next games release. If they are busy finding cheats and loopholes for the multiplayer, then they arent making maps and new animations.



And for side notes. Every minute they spend making multiplayer is a minute they could have been hunting down bugs in their 16 Sq mile map, that they have to assume someone, somewhere is going to actually walk over every miniscule amount.

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We have some people talking about a horde mode.




Horde Mode... violates these core concepts of TES



The affected

1:Open world with limitless possibility

2:The ability to actually look and play how you want to

4:The ability to accomplish and complete multiple questlines and receive some symbol of office

6:The ability to challenge ones own patience, limits and skill and feel like you get better

7:The fact that the game can be played multiple times and it is ALWAYS different

8:That you can seek out and collect a multitude of rare treasure

10: The Modding Community


1. The game world will either be a dungeon or a small city that is being overrun (Passwall or the Imperial city, both during their invasion). Unable to enter separate cells (houses), unable to leave, and unable to fall back to recover.


2. EVEN IF you could bring in your player character, many players in the new "everything counts" system will have useless skills. They would have toYo bring back the old classes and give players some skills and spells and equipment to keep the game even. Then, sneaking will have to be tweaked, else you would just sneak attack everyone when in rough spots. It would be a disgusting oversimplification on the game.


4. So you get through 50 waves of deadra, or zombies, or werewolves... and then what? You die. You start over. Or you have an "end" like Halo, then what? You play it again? Just to do the same thing... insanity, doing things over and over expecting a different result.


6. You again will be babysitting teammates, or hiding behind them. They may try to grievance you, And even if you put stoppers like that in place, you have no control over the people you play with... even good friends have to pee eventually. And if you are newer to the game, you will get a sense that you are awful, when really there are countless ways to play the main game.


7. Not only will the encounters be similar, but the maps will be the same. You will be returning to the same places over and over. and killing the same things over and over. It takes the fun out of those finishing moves, and out of really destroying a swarm of enemies and barely coming out alive. No... those things are expected.


8. What is the point? Will you get a reward? Or a pat on the back? Remember the potato snatcher quest? Kill an orge and get some bread... yeah this is kill an army or two and we will congratulate you by saying... good for you.


10. Mods and modders are WHO PLAY THIS GAME. They are the lifeblood that keeps it active even past the next games release. If they are busy finding cheats and loopholes for the multiplayer, then they arent making maps and new animations.



And for side notes. Every minute they spend making multiplayer is a minute they could have been hunting down bugs in their 16 Sq mile map, that they have to assume someone, somewhere is going to actually walk over every miniscule amount.

:armscrossed: once again..well said

1)It will primarily not be a 'Mode' per say. more as a Feature,Questline,Randomn event. You walk into the encounter and Tackle it in your own unique way.

2)You may have to elaborate further, as i see no Reduction in skills. Everything can be applied in one form or the other. Sneaking may be tricky... but i can see its uses.

4) As it is not neccesarily a mode it would most likely be tied into a quest or event and is in all quests, death results in a restart.(15 min prior)

The Horde aspect is simply an atmosphere and a spawn Changer. Making spawns much more rapid. I believe you are imagining it as Nazi Zombies(MODE) wereas i should have elaborated clearer that i was asking more for A Left For dead feel.

(A walled off LARGE section of map afflicted with Multiple rapid spawn Points(Graveyards) and an atmosphere difference)

The way you choose to play is still yours. But most likely a common strategy will be in Entering a Building and defending it from oncomers(Non loading cell)

or the player could choose to Move civilians or estabilish a resistance or the MULTITUDE of minor/major quests related to the epidemic.


6)Non Multi-player. Npcs act as they always do and can recieve commands normally. Its about how YOU choose to utlise them.

7)That is a very good point...how would you solve that? Lose the Zombie feel and make it much more Survival and escape. Rather than direct engagement. Weras you would moreso be seeing Companions being finished than the horde?

8)Quests.(P.S. shame on you. that girl made great Potato Bread...Shame on you)

10)I have no familiarity with modding so i can not argue that front.

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:armscrossed: once again..well said

1)It will primarily not be a 'Mode' per say. more as a Feature,Questline,Randomn event. You walk into the encounter and Tackle it in your own unique way.

2)You may have to elaborate further, as i see no Reduction in skills. Everything can be applied in one form or the other. Sneaking may be tricky... but i can see its uses.

4) As it is not neccesarily a mode it would most likely be tied into a quest or event and is in all quests, death results in a restart.(15 min prior)

The Horde aspect is simply an atmosphere and a spawn Changer. Making spawns much more rapid. I believe you are imagining it as Nazi Zombies(MODE) wereas i should have elaborated clearer that i was asking more for A Left For dead feel.

(A walled off LARGE section of map afflicted with Multiple rapid spawn Points(Graveyards) and an atmosphere difference)

The way you choose to play is still yours. But most likely a common strategy will be in Entering a Building and defending it from oncomers(Non loading cell)

or the player could choose to Move civilians or estabilish a resistance or the MULTITUDE of minor/major quests related to the epidemic.


6)Non Multi-player. Npcs act as they always do and can recieve commands normally. Its about how YOU choose to utlise them.

7)That is a very good point...how would you solve that? Lose the Zombie feel and make it much more Survival and escape. Rather than direct engagement. Weras you would moreso be seeing Companions being finished than the horde?

8)Quests.(P.S. shame on you. that girl made great Potato Bread...Shame on you)

10)I have no familiarity with modding so i can not argue that front.


My comment was tailored to keep all horde mode ideas away... and upon rereading your specific version, it is different. It is simply an area where there are a lot of enemies that are gradually more dense or more difficult.


That being said... it eliminates all of your statements


I however will toss out some ideas to help with repetitiveness.

1. Spawns are different in TES games... they dont crawl out of holes in the wall like Borderlands, So all enemies have to be there... and die there, and all the polygons have to be accounted for. So the area... will have to be a dungeon where the horde waves are approached on your own time. You walk to get to the next area.


2. Location changes... you could just as easily have enemies in the wild come after you en mass... packs of wolves. etc

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:rolleyes: Ahhhh Hardware Limitations

The problem with this concept is...That it should NOT be about fighting...At all.

Nazi zombies encourages you to slay every zombie for points. That would never transfer well over to TES.

it should not be a battle.

It should be about surviving.


Rescuing,Hiding, Running.

Lets say the creature is...Werewolves coming down from the mountains.

The setting is...A String of villages.

The atmosphere is...Fullmoon/Fog/Thunderstorms/Torches/Halloween.

you descend upon the town and the event starts(and never ends, you can come back to the town in turmoil at any time.But you can only Leave the town in a certain difficult way.<as to maintain the fear aspect>)

The werewolves are clearly overpowered and would massacre anyone in masse. so it is nott about ighting them,

Its about fending them off and surviving.

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To me, the Elder Scrolls series is about doing what you want. If I want a partner to experience the game with me, I afford them certain rights and privileges that are mutual. So the argument that "Your friend could screw up your experience by killing X" is just as much your own fault for allowing it to happen as it is his/her fault for doing it. You take a risk when you have another person play in the same world, but it is a risk that you are aware of and must trust your friend not to just go off the handle.


Co-op is the only viable multiplayer solution for Skyrim. However, I do understand the problems with being far away from each other and having the world load differently or somesuch. I feel this could be easily overcome through careful tailoring of the game's design. But, with the current generation... it might just not be in the cards. I think it would be great to have the capability to enjoy the game with a friend, instead of just -your- story... it becomes -our- story, which is equally as immersive and rewarding.

Edited by halorocka888
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