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Skyrim: diary of a murderer teaser


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This is the unofficial teaser for the upcoming Elder Scrolls series - Diary of a murderer. It tells the story of the first blood you spill in the land of SKYRIM wether it be accidental or just plain cold blooded. The dark brother hood awaits you!


i know its not much too see but i havent got the game have i :tongue:





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Was it me, or could this have been done in less than 37 seconds.


No offense, I see you are quite passionate and proud of this, but its pretty much an animated slide-show.


yeah i know what you mean, i was going too make it a bit shorter and interesting but my laptop pooped itself. so i uploaded what i had at the time.

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Was it me, or could this have been done in less than 37 seconds.


No offense, I see you are quite passionate and proud of this, but its pretty much an animated slide-show.


yeah i know what you mean, i was going too make it a bit shorter and interesting but my laptop pooped itself. so i uploaded what i had at the time.


Thats fair enough - better than nothing :} Then I hope you luck in any further attempts.

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