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Anyone want to point me in the right direction?


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I know there are topics to read about where to get started in modding so would anyone be so kind as to drop a link my way in that direction if there is a locked thread as such. I'm looking at downloading the oblivion construction set and making a doorway into some empty unused world space plane that is completely blank, and then just going to town on it in adding stuff and creating a whole world to leanr the basics of modding. YOu know what I mean? I'll start with adding buildings and such, then maybe people and quests and dialogue to practice the basics, then I'll start learning creating my own objects with meshes and textures instead of using bethesdas slowly alluding towards the learning of the basics of scripting. All of this at my own little fun-for-kicks-and-giggles-pace. So yeah, like I said before because I havent used a nexus site in a while, can somebody give me the topic link for people starting out where I can learn what programs other than construction set if any to use and I'll look up one of those tutorials on google though the construction set may be similar to when I tried to learn morrowinds. I couldnt do that one because everything but npcs I placed in a town showed up in the game, so with no errors or rhyme or reason why this was happening I just gave up and downloaded some mods for the heck of it.I remember I tried that blackwood company questline mod where you played the blackwood company side instead and a couple times I had to use construction set to insert specific nps or creatures for the continuation for the buggy quest that was never complete set bugfree, so I know I don't have that issue with the oblivion one, so here I am. :D Edited by 7vincent7black7
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For basic modding, all you need is the Construction Set. Make sure you get version 1.2. There are several programs available for making/modifying textures, such as:


Photoshop (Requires .dds plugin to open Oblivion's texture file format)


GIMP (Free program. Requires .dds plugin to open Oblivion's texture file format)


Paint.Net (Free program that can access .dds files from the get-go, no extra plugin needed)


You'll also need NifSkope (free program) in order to apply new/alternate textures to meshes.


To create your own meshes, you'll need a 3D modeling program such as 3DS Max (rather expensive) or Blender (free).


As for where to go to learn how to use all of this stuff, there is no better place than TES Alliance. They have the only actual modding school available and a good number of experts that are very willing to help. It's a great environment for the beginning (or experienced) modder.


The Construction Set Wiki is also a good place to go. Though it's not quite as informative as TES Alliance, it does cover a broad range of things.

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Thanks for the quick post friend. I'm starting out with cs right now and I'll download abunch of those programs now for when it comes time to learn to use those. I see myself just going into a duplicated and renamed and virtually cleared cell and just making a random worldspace with towns and such for exploration just for the heck of it. Just one last question is, will I be able to create mountians and such this way?




Update: Dude, I opened up each program after I installed it to make sure it works and the blendre program looks really cool!!! XD This is going to fun, I'm going to feel almost like a game developer with this. Thanks for the programs advice and such. Once I'm done with the construction set tutorials I'll move onto TES Alliance for looking at thier lessons for learning how to do stuff as I fiddle around abit. I decided to try Gimp out though I used photoshop in photography class, I just didnt know if photoshop was the program I would find best suited towards modding a videogame versus messing around with uploaded picture files.

Edited by 7vincent7black7
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3DS Max (rather expensive)

Nobody would buy 3ds max unless they are a student, or know one. Then you get older versions for free/very cheap. Besides, niftools only support up to 3ds max 2009, or 3ds max 2010 32bit.


As for where to go to learn how to use all of this stuff, there is no better place than TES Alliance. They have the only actual modding school available and a good number of experts that are very willing to help. It's a great environment for the beginning (or experienced) modder.


Sorry to be a 'hater' here, but TESA is terrible if you got 3ds max, or anything but blender. The help is also very limited.

For new modellers who uses Blender, it is OK.


Personally, I'd recommend google for tutorials if you wish to learn 3d, NOT oblivion-specific tutorials. Thoose should come when you got the grasp of 3d.


Some tips in the 3d appartment:

- Dont start big. No, DON'T! It's too easy to lose motivation at an early stage, and end your modelling career! Modelling is fun, and should always stay fun!

- Choose wether to focus on Hard surface ( Weapons, props like Barrlels and furnitures, basic shapes) or ORganic modelling (Humans, creatures, armor, statues, etc).

- Use google for information. Everything is out there!

- Ask. There is always people who knows! Why bang your head at a wall, when somebody else found the door?


I'd say start getting used to 3d, then start making simple things. A small house, a basic sword, a cover of a DvD, etc. Learn to UVW unwrap it, and start fiddling with texturing.


Hope I was of any help!


P.S. No, I don't want anybody to comment my view on TESA here.




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It's also the more artistic and/or expensive one. You will 'need' mudbox/zbrush to get anything decent. You'd also want to know a lot of anatomy.

Most start with hard surface, and decide later one. I personally went hard surface, because I can't be arsed learning anatomy. But that's me.

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I figure I'll learn to use the construction set then duplicate one of the test cells then start in with the world editor, form the mountians and stuff, then the rocks, plantlife, while also at this point using the landscape editor, then start making one village here, another there, then the roads, etc. You know, just have fun creating a world that would be amusing to explore not oblivion related and master the new found skills as I went along. This would just be at my own amusing myself pace. Maybe in a month or two afterwards I might start making mods for myself and uploading them, maybe even in skyrim instead at that point. XD
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