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Skyrim manual has been leaked, we can use it to confirm a lot of stuff such as, there is a HUD bar that shows enchanted weapon charge! There is all ready a thread about the manual if you want to reference it.



Some of the companion related favors have been confirmed such as making you companion attack certain enemies, all this can be found in the leaked game manual, along with a lot of other info i just thought I would try and quicken some of the things that i remembered being on this last.

Edited by malevolentraven
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. I noticed the enchant hud bar in a video (or maybe picture) but it didn't sink in too much for me. I think it's a nice little feature that adds convenience. Probably wasn't something little to actually code it in, then what do I know about programming games?
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*Better identifications of rank

(Helment plumes,Braided Beards,Shield Designs, and Quality equipment.)

*The Command option for companions to:Distract

(This can mean to get the targets attention and then flee, or to engage them in conversation while the player sneaks by)

*We have Bards, so how about Jesters? Jugglers? acrobats? Magicians? or just fold them all into one Entertainer.

*The ability to 'Teach' spells to companions.

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*The Command option for companions to:Distract


This could sorta work in a round about way because the leaked manual says that you can order companions to attack, also if you have a certain sneak skill going into sneak can sometimes cause them to look for other targets. I'm sure this would mean breaking LOS first because it would be really dumb if you could just crouch and they lose you lol. So theoretically you could get you companion to attack them and then just break LOS, and who knows maybe causeing your companion to attack could be enough to distract them as long as you let your companion do most of the damage. (aggro)

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*The Command option for companions to:Distract


This could sorta work in a round about way because the leaked manual says that you can order companions to attack, also if you have a certain sneak skill going into sneak can sometimes cause them to look for other targets. I'm sure this would mean breaking LOS first because it would be really dumb if you could just crouch and they lose you lol. So theoretically you could get you companion to attack them and then just break LOS, and who knows maybe causeing your companion to attack could be enough to distract them as long as you let your companion do most of the damage. (aggro)

well what im concerned about is that there WONT be an option to set your companions to accomplish tasks in a Nonlethal form

:Go attack that guard


:Go talk to that guard/Go punch that guard and run

Its confirmed that YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CRIMES YOUR COMPANIONS COMMIT. so this brings up many, many questions....

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Well the guide showed 3 or 4 options for commanding your companion and they seemed pretty basic like, go here, attack this person, interact with this object (levers), interact with this object (wep and armor i presume). So i doubt we will see more advanced controlling of them, maybe a mod can change this though, idk I'm a console player personally (by economic necessity not desire) and can't enjoy the mods. As for the companions crimes I think it would be interesting to be a upstanding guard type character and hire a thief companion to get some of the chests and doors open in a fort that you couldn't get but whilst gathering supplies he steals from a shop owner. That would be a wonderful clash of worlds that I can't wait to try out.
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*Flavor Spices- to be added to cooked meals

(i assume giving someone a cooked meal increases disposition towards you,so Rareflavorful spices couldincrease this. Just a small but fun touch :sweat: )


*High Intensity Light spells should have a chance to blind opponents. Especially if you stick it to their person. 8)


*A way to raise someones disposition. very high or low quickly is to choose one of the options "TELL SECRET" or "IMPRESS"

-Tell Secret:you have a choice to tell them about an event (quest) such as:I was once a prisoner

-Impress:You choose the option and then you have to performa feat of skill.

this can range from a magic spell, to an acrobatic feat, A combat/archery maneuver or even a dragon shout.

(the way they react to this is contingent on their Personality,current Disp.)

(Children and weak minded are easier to impress, but may be less trusting to tell your secret to)


*Dropping meat when confronted by aggresive wolves should deter them from attacking

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Skyrim manual has been leaked, we can use it to confirm a lot of stuff such as, there is a HUD bar that shows enchanted weapon charge! There is all ready a thread about the manual if you want to reference it.



Some of the companion related favors have been confirmed such as making you companion attack certain enemies, all this can be found in the leaked game manual, along with a lot of other info i just thought I would try and quicken some of the things that i remembered being on this last.


I had those confirmed already (twitter and the quakecon demo leak)

But TY for the heads up regardless




Things confirmed by the manual

Things you place in crates are subject to disappearing with respawn -

Maximum carry weight is determined by stamina

compass flashes while recharging shouts

Brawling is a dialogue option

Bartering is similar to if not identical to the FO3 system

Items given or taken from an allies inventory are "gifts"... they also have an apparent separate inventory only for holding your items

When commanding followers you can order them to

- wait in a specific location, - use an item in the world (lever or chair), -attack a specific enemy,- Open a locked door or container, -pick up items in the world

YOU are responsible for their crimes. Not all companions can be ordered.


Power attacks to double damage and have increased staggering

Yielding ONLY by sheathing your weapon (no protection)

Enemies react to environmental sounds (arrows and traps)

While pickpocketing, just looking at the inventory isnt a crime

While in jail you dont lose your skill in anything, but the progress towards your next skill increases are all zeroed

There are "unknown potions"



still nothing on races and specific abilities.

Edited by Odai
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