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*Daggers should be the hardest weapon to be seen when unsheathed.

(Npcs wont lose disposition when in convesation/Guards wont be suspicious and follow you)

But being caught with a dagger unsheathed and people should go crazy <suspicion of murder>


- No... definitely not. Unless while in dialogue you can sneak attack from the front.



*Poison should be visible on weapons when applied.


Not really necessary and it wouldnt be visible IRL anyways.


*Being searched by guards with a poison in your inventory should Increase your bounty and they should remove the poison Indefinately.


- What about hunters? And merchants sell poisons. I think using a poison should be an additional crime, but possession, def not.



If spotted by someone while in sneak mode dont always code them to stop & confront us,

Instead have them speed up and possibly run.<Suspicion>


- I wasnt ever confronted about it... but I think instead they should pay closer attention to you and follow you.


If spotted while in sneakmode have the person check theyre inventory for missing itemsand confront you, or approach the guards if they find something mising.


-Approach the guards... yes. Confront you, no. I think that if you get caught with missing/ stolen things on your person, additional bounty ought to be placed on your head.


Npcs in sneak mode should be Minimally transparent to the player. Or just extremely out of focus.


- Disagree... but I think enemies who hit us from behind ought to do extra damage.


*Idle Npc Animations



-Kindling the fire

-Dosing off <sneak applicable>

-'playing' with there spells

-Sharpening there blades

-Shooting & Retrieving arrows

- Already on the list


*Upon entering invisibility (after being spotted) code dialogue for 'Intelligent Npcs' to recognis that you Cast Invisibility.<A warning that they will now activelysearch for you or run to block exits./Cast Detect life>


- THIS is a great one. No more acting like, meh he must not really exist anymore


*Capes(comeone Fans have been begging for them since Morrowind)<Even the Concept art of The Septim Statue (slaying the snake) had him wearing a cape>


-Already on the list


*(Odai, youv Played Bad company 2 correct? How about certain Spells which cause a Blind spot in your screen. only allowing you to see From the edges of your view. <The tracer darts on your face in BC2>)


- Or simply a blind spell like Morrowind. The problem is, it works against the player, but not against the AI


(The Scene in the Demo Prt2 with the arrow stealth kills in the entrance to Bleak falls.)

*When the survivor recognises he is under ranged attack code him the possibility to enter stealth mode and actively search or flee. Making him a smaller target. And also bringing him out of focus.


- Again, dont like the focus thing. However, a journalist mentioned that enemies comunicate and group together when they hear a sound. Then they search after it.

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maybe having the guards falsley accuse you of a crime having them check your inentory if its not there the charges are dropped but, having some way to stop you from dropping it on the ground then picking it up later....also having the guards say the charges you're being accused for ex: is resisting arrest, attempted murder, murder, theft, bigamy, etc then stating the final (x) amount of gold you are wanted for....
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maybe having the guards falsley accuse you of a crime having them check your inentory if its not there the charges are dropped but, having some way to stop you from dropping it on the ground then picking it up later....also having the guards say the charges you're being accused for ex: is resisting arrest, attempted murder, murder, theft, bigamy, etc then stating the final (x) amount of gold you are wanted for....



I like them saying what you are being accused of. But I think there ought to be a legal system where you can plea and if your speech is high enough you can talk your way out

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maybe having the guards falsley accuse you of a crime having them check your inentory if its not there the charges are dropped but, having some way to stop you from dropping it on the ground then picking it up later....also having the guards say the charges you're being accused for ex: is resisting arrest, attempted murder, murder, theft, bigamy, etc then stating the final (x) amount of gold you are wanted for....



I like them saying what you are being accused of. But I think there ought to be a legal system where you can plea and if your speech is high enough you can talk your way out

so maybe like a trial system? you have to plead your case to the earl of the region...?

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maybe having the guards falsley accuse you of a crime having them check your inentory if its not there the charges are dropped but, having some way to stop you from dropping it on the ground then picking it up later....also having the guards say the charges you're being accused for ex: is resisting arrest, attempted murder, murder, theft, bigamy, etc then stating the final (x) amount of gold you are wanted for....



I like them saying what you are being accused of. But I think there ought to be a legal system where you can plea and if your speech is high enough you can talk your way out

so maybe like a trial system? you have to plead your case to the earl of the region...?

That could become far too trivial, Perhaps for major crimes, or in certain situations.

It would be terrible to have to go to court for every crime. But i assume you mean if you WANT to plead your case.

Some guards shouldnt give you that liberty.And some should. OB guards were all cookie cutouts with no varying Morales.


*Staves to be animated as walking sticks when not in use and unsheathed.


*When houses have been uninhabited for (X)amount of time, Let us see some visual effect of neglect.

-Webs-Vines-Cracked Windows-Worn Door& paint-Dust-Extinguished fire-Creatures or critters living there.

(By inhabiting it for (X) amount of time the wear and tear reverses.)


The option to fill One quiver with multiple forms of arrows.

Instead of having to switch from Dwemer to Iron etc.


Upon finding an enchanted Weapon or rare artifact we shouldn't know its name or Effect without trial or previous knowledge.

How does your character know its a Varla Stone, without any previous contact with one or knowledge beforehand.How do you know your new sword is enchated with soul trap if you havnt tested it yet?

(it may add a much greater feel of wonder & curiousity when you discover something new)



*More ways to tell if a loading cell is populated

-Coded Noise as you near the Cell

-Shadows in windows(coded)

-Smoke coming from chimney

-Asking npcs<who lives there?/Are they home?/Im a relative ;)Could you unlock it for me...?>

-Knocking on the door


Edited by TroloWiseEared
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That could become far too trivial, Perhaps for major crimes, or in certain situations.

It would be terrible to have to go to court for every crime. But i assume you mean if you WANT to plead your case.

Some guards shouldnt give you that liberty.And some should. OB guards were all cookie cutouts with no varying Morales.

I was referring to things like some quest sequence where you are framed for the murder of a Jarl or something.


*Staves to be animated as walking sticks when not in use and unsheathed.


-- Maybe, but only for when you or an NPC are walking.



*When houses have been uninhabited for (X)amount of time, Let us see some visual effect of neglect.

-Webs-Vines-Cracked Windows-Worn Door& paint-Dust-Extinguished fire-Creatures or critters living there.

(By inhabiting it for (X) amount of time the wear and tear reverses.)

-- Not a fan of this idea. In a city a no-name NPC should "buy" the house if the player doesnt go there once a month. In the wild... sure after a week of not going there have some vines.


The option to fill One quiver with multiple forms of arrows.

Instead of having to switch from Dwemer to Iron etc.

-- I would like this, but it would be drawn randomly... I prefer the idea that the quivers automatically switch to the next largest quiver when one depletes.


Upon finding an enchanted Weapon or rare artifact we shouldn't know its name or Effect without trial or previous knowledge.

How does your character know its a Varla Stone, without any previous contact with one or knowledge beforehand.How do you know your new sword is enchated with soul trap if you havnt tested it yet?

(it may add a much greater feel of wonder & curiousity when you discover something new)


- Bud... this is already confirmed. Not the stone part, but the enchantments have to be broken down to know what they are.



*More ways to tell if a loading cell is populated

-Coded Noise as you near the Cell

-Shadows in windows(coded)

-Smoke coming from chimney

-Asking npcs<who lives there?/Are they home?/Im a relative ;)Could you unlock it for me...?>

-Knocking on the door


-- I like these

Edited by Odai
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Horses....being able to hijack them while others are riding them....it would be awesome to just punch them and drag them off the horse while simutaneously getting on...also have NPC's actually chase on horseback, if we get on a horse and the Guard has a horse nearby he will jump on and chase us.when within range he will get off his horse and resume attacking this would only be used for chasing. i don't want to lose a guard so easily if i jump on a horse and ride off in a random direction...also being able to tame wild horses...in oblivion you saw wild horses but couldnt tame them.,this way you can tame horses and not have to pay such a hefty amount of gold:you can tame it by sneaking up behind it and attaching a saddle...but sneaking up on it is extremely difficult so it takes a high sneak skill so you sometimes have to pay for a horse if you're not the stealth type...
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Horses....being able to hijack them while others are riding them....it would be awesome to just punch them and drag them off the horse while simutaneously getting on...also have NPC's actually chase on horseback, if we get on a horse and the Guard has a horse nearby he will jump on and chase us.when within range he will get off his horse and resume attacking this would only be used for chasing. i don't want to lose a guard so easily if i jump on a horse and ride off in a random direction...also being able to tame wild horses...in oblivion you saw wild horses but couldnt tame them.,this way you can tame horses and not have to pay such a hefty amount of gold:you can tame it by sneaking up behind it and attaching a saddle...but sneaking up on it is extremely difficult so it takes a high sneak skill so you sometimes have to pay for a horse if you're not the stealth type...


*attacks which can dismount riders from there horse.

How about 2h Power attacks,Stealth attacks, H2H base attacks and arrow critical hits.

For all but the H2H you are not neccesaily Dragging the rider off, but instead the fose from the atacks should make him fall off...


*Waving a torch or 'scaring the horse' should cause the horse to rear, Making the rider fall off.


*Expanding upon the 'Rearing concept.*Mounting a hostiles horse during combat should have a 60% percent chance of the horse Raering you off.

-Villager's horse-40%

-Bandit's horse- 40%-60%

-Guard's horse- 70%



<fom another thread>*When following an Npc(quests) Have him match his speed to ours, Raher than our speed to his.

<Many people disliked the slow npcs who asked you o follow them during quests and then snailed thee way to the objective. STOPPING when you felll behind or dragged ahead>


EX:The Killing Field

:Baurus in the sewers


*In Oblivion each power attack had two animations.

1 for before you learned he perk :Standing power atacks now do 30% more damage

And 1 after you learned the perk, Which looked much more refined and more proffesional.

*When at 20% fatigue or less revert the animation back to the unrefined less skill full version as to simulate Tiring

*Make the chance of success in a power attacks special ability(Paralyse/Disarm) be proportional to your current fatigue.

(100% fatigue = 20% chance)

(10% fatigue = 5% chance)

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*Looting the dead publically should be a crime


(expanding upon earlier idea)

Normally in oblivion's cities you were home free once you got out of the city gates,

well i think the warning bell should also alert guards in closeby outposts and outlying villages.(but not the entire hold....yet)

*Also gatehouse stables should also supply horses for guards as well.

We have yet to see a good chase sequence via horseback.....


*Allow guards the authority to 'commandeer' horses they dont own.

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