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*Creaure Disposition


-My newly moved in neighbor has two large dogs chained to a fence.

for weeks they would bark and go crazy every time i jogged by,

so one day i brought some peanu buttttter sanwiches and dog food and sat in there yard,

just out of reach of the dogs chain. I waited for them to get tired of barking at me.

after some time, they stopped, and i gave them the food and they let me pet them.

now they are excited to see me rather than being hostile.



What i am asking for is

*Non coversational ways to raise disposition

-Fighting side by side/ being mean to somebody they dont like/ Doing work for them/ Giving them gifts/ Just spending time with them/ Cooking for them.

*Disposition meters to be carried over to non npcs.



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*Casting the same spell continuously in a short time will cause a learning curve & you will not gain as much xp to the skill as someone who wasnt cheating.

<As to deter casting open lock on a door 400 times to level up fast. or summon a skeleton 40 times.


XP Gain for conjuration & lockpicking should be raised when-

-The lock is succesfully picked(not just when you break a lockpick)

-Your conjured creature defeats a foe.


*Environmentally aware finisher moves.

*If an npc is crouched over a fire, or sitting down, have an animation for us picking them up to stab them (BF3)

Versus how in the new gameplay vid he npc just autocorrects to a standard stance just so, he can be knifed.

check 5:33 for what i mean


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*Re-apply Dynamic snowfall for Volcanic ash & leaffall.


*Code npcs to buy things from Venders. or at least have items on shelves go temporarily missing. (simulating purchase)


*Randomise Pathfinding to allow for multiple routes in cities.

<The video showed 6 villagers waliking in a straight line like its a highway


*An actual ingame representation of Breakable laws specific to regions.

Ex: in Riften on a wall there are 5 commandments.

-Dont Swim in the lake

-Riften Guards have the right to search your possesions.

-Stay off the Jarl' property

-Do not speak to the Thalmor

-No torches lit after 8 pm (as to avoid attracting dragons



*Code Npcs to talk to Eachother as they walk, rather than having to always stop and face eachother.



*Wedding Rings!

-so i can know who i can viably 'hit on' & who's taken.


*Nonlethal creature brawls.

-Nice to walk in on two trolls brawling eachother but not to the death.

- dogs playfighting

-Wolves battling for dominence

-Code the damage to stop at 20% health <Rather than simply negating it. this way you can use it as an opportunity fot them to weaken eachother.


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*Beggers & Market venders to yell out to you for "alms" or to "come see my Ogre Teeth and Ebony blades!"


*Crowds of Non-particapants ammass during fights and cirlcle you.

*Have them scream & cheer for one of you, but dont make it random. Make it based upon their disposition towards you.

(If aN Argonian who Dislikes you is in he crowd watching the fight, have him utter taunts to about you, and encouragement to the opponent)

*(for npcs) When onlookers yell encouragement to THEM, Raise there morale<willingness to keep fighting>

If they are encourageing theplayer, Lower the opponents Morale

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You do realize the game has been finished for a while now and nothing is going to be changed? You are better off learning to use the construction set when it comes out and making some of these changes yourself.

these ideas are not only meant for this game they are ideas for modders and for possible future TES projects again this is an idea bank we store all of our ideas into here in hope that some of these things will be answered and put in

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We have been working on this since early Spring, its a collaberation of IDEAS, little things we would like to see improved upon or added in.

These ideas are free reign ofr modders as well. We are just voicing our ideas and concepts for making them viable.

If Bethesda see's them, Then Great. If not, oh well. They might just come here to find ideas of improvement for upocoming titles, possibly even TES 6.

Feel free to add any small favors you conjur up :tongue:

Edited by TroloWiseEared
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~Audio Inclusions~~

*'Pant' or Heavy breathing audio to be cued for npcs & the player when stamina is low

*When you walk away from someone mid conversation, have them recognise it when you return "what was so important?"


*Identifiable Star Constellations(visible in the sky),

& lore/books coorelating to their recognisation.

<hopefully some parralel with the Perk Tree/Birthsigns>


*Some form of 'Strap' or harness visible on your back when you are equiped wih a two handed weapon/bow/quiver/stave

<It was odd how things glued to you when they were sheathed


*Blood Spurt when you remove arrows from corpses


*The option to Pay or Bribe with Weapons & items

<their base value>


*Torches to reduce their light emition and grow dimmer as they are reching their extinguishing point.

*Varying time limits on torches. as well as Quality levels.


The Number of companions,

Visual Quality of your equipment,

Sheathed/ vs. non sheathed

Should all be taken into account during an Intimidation attempt.



*Leave for now, but return to me in :(_)hours


*Rumors to travel via person. not scripting.

EX:You close the gate of kvatch. the people cheer.

Now other towns will not find out for some time,

<Now each member of the town carries a 'package'. that package IS the ability to tell the rumor they know. in this case, the Gate closing.

Now whenever they interact, come in contact with, or overhear someone who is carrying the package. they now obtain the package.


It will have to be spread by travelers. So coming into an isolated little village they may not know of the affairs beyond the mountains, only their own occurences.

This system stops the Instant & constant gratification. and somewhat delays the fact that your fame always precedes you.

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