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Console don't work....


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Hey Guys :D


i have now Fallout 3 and want to open the Cheat Console.


I have tried it with "^" and "~" but it didn't work..


i have the resolution on


Standard (4:3 or 5:4)



bAllowConsole= 1









i Have Windows XP



i hope anyone can help me



Sorry for my English i'm from German :P

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Several possibilities - first is if you are using a media center PC with the infrared remote - unplug the infrared remote.


Next, if you are using a laptop with an Infrared - disable the infrared


Then, the use of the ~ key is mainly on the US AT version of the keyboard. Try using the key directly to the left of the number one key.


The actual scan code may vary depending on what scancode set is used (I'm not familiar with what German keyboards use) Try scan codes 29, 0E or 35. 29 is Code set 1 and is the most used. 35 is often used on USB keyboards. Find out which key the code is mapped to and try that key to see if it works.


If you are technically inclined check this site - it has a good explanation of keycodes and a table of the most used codes.

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wie/wo füge ich die Daten ein vom Console Key Binder

Installieren FOSE.

Kopieren Sie "Console Key Binder.esp" um Ihre Fallout 3\Data Ordner.

Aktivieren Sie "Console Key Binder.esp" in FOMM, und klicken Sie "Launch FOSE".


(Mein Deutsch ist leider ein wenig eingerostet, so auf Englisch:

Install FOSE.

Put "Console Key Binder.esp" in your Fallout 3\Data directory.

Enable "Console Key Binder.esp" in FOMM, and click "Launch FOSE")


und wie starte ich dann die Console ingame?

Drücken Sie "F4"

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