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My stats increases whenever I change appearance


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I recently installed oblivion and a bunch of mods. When I finally started playing I noticed I had very much hp / magicka / fatigue for my level. At level 1 you're supposed to have 60 hp etc. But I had like 500 or so. I've tried to find anyone with the same problem, but there seems to be just me :/ I know what's causing the stats increase though. It's whenever I change my appearance / major skills or birthsign. My stats is increasing for every change I make.

I'm playing on a downloaded save. So I thought that I maybe have to create an original character. but the problem persists.


I don't know what to do :<

I also want to add that it says "Player level reset back to 1" whenever I make a change on my character. If that's any help


Any suggestions?

Edited by SmlSirius
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From what you are saying, it seems you are closing the Race Menu window each time you are making changes to your character's appearance. This is what is causing your stats to change each time you make changes, as the game is treating it as if you're starting a new character. However, there is a way to make changes without your stats messing up or level resetting to 1. This is accomplished by doing the following:


1. Open the Race Menu and make your changes as wanted.

2. Instead of closing the window, bring up the pause menu (pressing ESC).

3. Save your game into a new save slot.

4. Now immediately load your new save game without closing the pause menu.


There is another method you can use, but I personally use this method when I want to make changes to my character's appearance. Check out this thread here for more information on this.


Hope this helps :)

Edited by SilverCobra126
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I found a way of doing it. I just disabled the race menu thingy in data files before I launch oblivion. I can still open the race menu. So I don't know what that is for anyway =P

But thanks for the tip. Might be easier doing it that way!


many thanks



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