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No texture of ebony longsword


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This afternoon, I added an ebony longsword to my inventory via console, just for testing, and I noticed it had no texture! It was completely purple ingame and in my inventory it turned out black.


I AM running mods, but none that effect the vanilla weapons in the game, thus not affecting the ebony longsword in any way..


Can someone tell me if this is a normal glitch?


Edit: I went to the testinghall cell and noticed that all my ebony weapons were purple, and so were my dwarven arrows and elven shield!

Edited by Proximitus
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It sounds like you have installed mods that edit the textures used by weapons made of several materials. It sounds like one or more of the mods are installed wrong or are defective.


To solve the problem:


(1) If it is a mesh or texture replacer problem, delete, move, or rename-to-disable your mesh and texture folders for the particular weapons that are purple. Your game will revert to vanilla Oblivion in this aspect and work right again.


(2) If it is an .esp dependent mesh or texture replacer problem, deactivate the mod that edits these weapons and directs the computer to look for textures that aren't there. Your game will revert to vanilla Oblivion in this aspect and work right again.



To figure out what type of problem you have, it might be simplest to perform step 1 and play-test. If your game is still broken, then try step 2.


Otherwise you might have a tricky archive invalidation problem. This is most common if you run a ton of mods.


Before you get too deep into diagnostics, be sure to shut down Oblivion, load it again and play-test the problem once more. You could have a random one-time glitch that will be gone next time.

Edited by David Brasher
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