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Favorite House Mod?


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Hello fellow explorers. I am in the market for my first house mod. A place to kick back, call my own, and maybe throw a few dance parties with my Groovatron. I looked through a few of them and became a bit overwhelmed. I couldn't decide on which one as some of them seem to have conflicts with other mods due to their location and some had certain features that I liked over others, like a displayable gun rack for all your weapons.


Anyway, I was just wondering which house mod(s) you guys prefer and why. Are there any good ones that have a "futuristic" look to them or possibly a lot of neon lights?

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My personal favourite is the Enclave Hideout ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13982 ).


Attractive, roomy and clean interior; lots of living space for companions; plenty of storage space of various kinds; all the basic mod cons; in a convenient locale (Springdale); has a live-in NPC who can do repairs; and even has a plausible backstory (Enclave officer's "retirement plan"). I use lots of other mods, and haven't hit any yet that seem to conflict with this one at all. As regards display space, there are some largish tables that can be used specifically for that purpose.


My other favourite is Tec-Vault ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13517 )


Getting this is an especially tough slog, and I recommend frequent references at the Walkthrough that the creator very thoughtfully provided. Assuming everything works out, what you get is to own an entire Vault ( ... but much much much nicer than any Vault-Tec vault). HUGE amount of living space, helpful live-in NPCs with varying abilities (some do repairs, some will buy/sell stuff, etc.), a full range of facilties and resources, storage space galore, and the list goes on and on. And on.


One special feature is that one can spend caps for various additions to the Tec-Vault. In terms of display area, you cannot go past the "Museum" set of adds. Get them all, and the resulting display area is BEAUTIFUL, worthy of attention in its own right. There are spaces for Mannequins, but you will need to get the separate Mannequin mod. Plenty of space to lay stuff out for display, anyhow.


Honourable Mention to MiniHideout (Original - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6394 . and an altered version - http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15066 ). Very nice, all mod cons and a little extra, no facilties for companions, but a very good display hall. If your Lone Wanderer is a Lone Wolf type, then this is probably the place for him / her. Very close to where the Enclave Hideout would be, so there is probably conflict between those two.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Has anyone used Alpha-C-ev Underwater Home over in Rivet City? I really like the ambiance of it and its more modern look-- a refuge from the grimy harshness of the wastelands. Be sure to wipe your feet at the door! It has multiple rooms with glass walls that have an underwater view with swimming fishies:). I'm also thinking about getting RR Companion's Vault for the Megaton area because I've noticed it's a prerequisite for some of the companion mods, and it looks like a very nice place in it's own right.





Anyone know of a good home out in the midwest Wastelands? I'm using FWE so I'm not using fast-travel. It's always nice to have multiple drop points for loot, healing and what-not.

Edited by skurf
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I definitely like Alpha-CEV. Unfortunately, for me it did really weird things to Rivet City's navmesh / NPC behaviour (always rather bodgy anyhow), so had to remove the mod.


As regards 'Mid-west' mods:


Scarabaeus ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12849 ), located under Tenpenny Tower (or under your Megaton House). Very large underground base, lots of space, some kewl weapons and large display area.


Bond's Luxury Cavern Shelter ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14959 ). This guy does AMAZING home mods. I haven't tried this particular one yet (unsure if my PC can take the strain) but it is located near Roosevelt Academy, has display areas and is certainly quite awesome besides.


If you haven't already, definitely get 'DC Interiors' ( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5573 ) - the page seems to be on Hide mode now (don't know why), but it is absolutely worth getting. With it, all those houses you see in the Wasteland now have actual interiors, and can be entered.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Thanks for the feedback 7thsealord. About Alpha-CEV, did you download and install "navmesh_fix_-15135.zip" for it? I'm not sure if that has anything to do with the problem you were having, but if you did install that fix and it still messed up, I'm not sure I want to spend the time to move all my stuff there.
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My favorite house mod created by someone else is probably the abandoned house mod (can't remember it's creator) the house is located up behind Jericho's house.I also use a self-created mod that allows my character to use Burkes house (after I kill him) in the saloon.(The key along with 200 caps are found on the body, along with another 1000 found in the shack)
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