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Multiple body types and armor that fits accordingly?


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ok.. in oblivion the armor only changed height and nothing else .. Skyrim there is one body slider .. it goes from skinny to beefy "heavy set muscle" .. not fat .. the races will still have height changes so that means body scale and height only .. no age scaling for old ladies .. there are children but I'm positive it will be like F3 where all the children have their own clothing.
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Yeah I don't see how age is supposed to effect armor in any way what so ever. and there was some pretty wrinkled up people in fo3 so if you want to make a wrinkly old wizard i'm sure you can, and like I said your armor wouldn't change anyways with age unless like erikface said it adds a cardigan :whistling:
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The great thing about this is; if there is one slider, then there can be more. I think the body modding community is either going to go bonkers with joy or pull their hair out in frustration over this. I can't wait to see the HGEC-style Skyrim stuff hit the Nexus. I'm terribly excited about all this... potential. :dance:
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Of bigger concern is there seperate body types for the individual races human, elf, orc, argoian and khajiit. My understanding is that they do not. They all use the same body type. Whether that body type is adjustable, I do not know. Would be nice if it is.
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