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What is this problem?


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I keep seeing this in random places - usually underwater - and since I don't even know what this problem is called, I don't have a clue how to fix it or where to look. So yeah, if anyone knows what this problem is usually called or any common fixes please let me know.



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This looks to me like a distant LOD land problem. Usually you see it on land rather than water, but it can appear anywhere.


If you want a quick and dirty fix, go delete, move, or rename-to-disable everything in your meshes\landscape\LOD folder so that the computer can't find the files in it. Your game will revert to vanilla Oblivion in this aspect. Unfortunately, this will remove all positive changes that mods have made to the LOD in your game. Like if a mod adds a mountain, and you disable the distant LOD, you won't see the mountain in the distance and when you get close, it will jump up and scare you.


Otherwise, you might do a bit of sleuthing to figure out which mod is bad, and just remove the distant LOD edits that it makes.

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