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The odyssey


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It's been a very good while, but I have also read both those books and, if I remember correctly, they were both excellent, in my opinion. I was once a huge buff on Mythology, especially Greek, and still sort of am, though not nearly as big of one. The Odyssey was, a few years back, my favorite book, though now, it's been completely blown away by The Dragonlance Chronicles and several other books/series. Well, class just ended, so I'm gone. Peace out.
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I've read both the Odyssey and the Iliad. I liked the Odyssey better because it seemed more epic and fantasy-like. The Iliad isn't bad but you'll reach some passages where you're going to just be like "why am I reading this"?


Granted I have only read each one only once and of the same translation. IRC the Odyssey movie by NBC is pretty accurately done compared to the book. So if you enjoy the book then I would recommend renting the movie.

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