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Project: Biohazard/Resident Evil


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Some of you folks around here may be familiar with the Resident Evil 2 Remake WIP mod by FuzeTek. It was a project that he started working on over two years ago. He put a lot of hours in learning the various modding tools, such as Blender and Nifscope, to be able to bring his vision to completion. On September 15, 2011, FuzeTek posted on his mod thread that, due to no longer having the time to put to the project anymore, the mod was basically done. As in dead.


Over the last year or so, FuzeTek and I had become friends, and discussed this project of his several times. I also had a few ideas for creating some Resident Evil mods, and we had considered working together to expand the project beyond just RE2. We had also discussed the possibility of my taking over the mod a few times, most times jokingly.


On October 5th, FuzeTek sat me at the helm of his project, leaving it in my, admittedly, unskilled hands :unsure: So now I have a massive project ahead of me, and some rather big shoes to fill in attempting to complete this.


FuzeTek's original idea was to make as exact a recreation of the Resident Evil games as possible in Fallout 3. This included having to get the special keys and solving all the puzzles to progress through the game. The work he has completed up to this point is amazing, but unfortunately, not Nexus Friendly. What I mean by that is, it contains content that prohibits it's being uploaded here on the Nexus.


My vision of the project, had I started with it myself, would have been a bit different that FuzeTek's. I personally didn't want to build exact recreations of the games. I wanted to make adventure/quest mods that were still the Biohazard/Resident Evil games, but different enough from the originals that you wouldn't know exactly what was going to happen next, and maybe change some of the lore, so that it would fit in better with the Fallout 3 game.


I would like the opinion of readers (and RE fans especially) as to whether they would like to see the project continue, and if so, in what direction. Should I try to do an exact recreation (or as exact as possible) like FuzeTek started, or should I go off on the slightly different track of making things less centered on the original Biohazard/RE characters, and more on the character the player creates for this?


Please feel free to share what ever opinions and ideas about this that come to mind, as well as ask the questions you may have. Please be civil and/or constructive if you do. Trolling will not be tolerated...

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Don't just recreate RE in FO3's Gamebryo engine, don't even make a game based on the RE universe. If someone wants to play RE2, they will play RE2. Besides, RE is a corporate IP -- it does not belong to you, so why put in all that effort? Instead, you should invent an entirely new universe that combines Fallout & RE universe and lore in a unique way. If you are capable of doing what you are thinking of doing, then you have an opportunity to do something new and unique.
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That is a possibility that has sat in the back of my mind, and I won't rule out doing it that way. I have a Resident Evil - type sub-plot planned for my FO3 comic, The Phoenix Imperative. Since I also have a few mod ideas based on my story already, maybe a mod for that specific part could be added to the list? You never know, you know?
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Like i say before, i recently started my project of "recreate" the town of Raccoon City. In my way, i think about make some scenarios playable of the resident evil series (many outbreack and other's made by Fuzetek (RE2 quest playable. maybe RE1 if he did it)) with some extra (rescue people,find items, get new objects to unlock and explore new part of the town, fight with boss at epic moment, etc...). So the mod i'm doing are a very huge project for me alone. I think, the character has to be made by the player like in FO3. Keep some parts of the FO3 gameplay in the Resident Evil atmosphère.


(sorry for my bad english ^^)

(Slevin92 = Hunk92 ^^ xD)

Edited by slevin92
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Hello there! Nice to see you here!


Just so you know, when you are talking with me, there is no need to apologize for your English. I understand you quite well :)


You and I seem to have some similar ideas for Resident Evil. Having people to rescue and new items to find would help make things different enough to prevent players from knowing exactly what will happen next. Rescues would also make the game more difficult, as you now have to protect extra people and not just yourself. That would change how a person plays, if they want to get the NPCs to safety. I also want to include the need to eat, drink and sleep, like you have to when using Primary Needs or Fallout Wanderer's Edition. Again, I believe doing so would make things a bit more difficult. You never know how safe a place is to sleep in!


FuzeTek initially started work on the original Resident Evil, but shelved the project after much frustration. I might be one of the only people that actually has a copy of that mod. With some of the problems he was having in trying to finish his RE2 mod, he started working on RE: Nemesis and restarted work on the original Resident Evil. What I saw of the work he completed on the mansion was stunning (in my opinion) and so much better than his original attempt that you would think it was a different person's work!


I hope to actually get some real work done on the project this weekend. I need to compare two versions of the RE2 mod to see how far they were actually finished, and what I can borrow from one to add into the other. I would like to post my first version before the end of the year. It won't be anything like what you have seen of FuzeTek's work so far. I want to upload here, so for now, any of the creatures will be just "place holders". Ghouls for zombies and Trogs (from The Pitt) for lickers, for example.


Thanks for leaving your comments :)

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It is against the Nexus rules to post links to sites hosting prohibited content. Thus, I plan on doing what I can for the Nexus version, to make it as complete as possible. I am hoping to find 3d creature and uniform models on the net that are not ripped from the Capcom games. I am not expecting to have much luck, but I have been surprised before :) I might be able to get someone here to re-texture some vanilla items to look like costumes from RE. I know some rather talented people here, as well as elsewhere :thumbsup:


As far as FuzeTek's latest works go, I plan on finishing that up as well, but it will of course be hosted someplace other than here, most likely on my MegaUpload account.

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Personally, I would say to hell with the nexus. If it makes it easier to get it done quicker and of a higher quality, then to hell with copyright in general. Just release it as a torrent, ed2k, or on rapidshare or somesuch. Even if the game is made illegal, that may actually be a good thing.


Just my personal opinion. I guess I just don't much see the benefit of copyrighting art.

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I am willing to do a version for the Nexus mostly because of the following that the original (FuzeTek's) project gained here. Despite the lack of response this thread has generated, I am willing to make an effort to upload a version of the RE2 mod that has had a number of the bugs fixed, and the ability to play through to the entrance to the sewers from the RPD. Once that is uploaded, I will see what kind of response that gets and go from there.


I won't be expecting it to hit the Hot Files or even File of the Month, but that would be nice.

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Good luck to find these models.

I wait to see the mod completed =)


From my side, the creation of the city ahead rather well, I've finish to link his mod at part of the city (around the Rpd for now), so moving from one to another is really very simple. But some meshes left (i work with the nexus version, can't download from *not allowed* for now) and i have to learn how to port model for fallout 3. I have all npc and some ennemy from RE Outbreak (Hunk without mask 8) )

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