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Wont matter to me. The only downside with playing games in Eyefinity with 3 monitors is the ridiculous heat they produce right in your face :cool: The HD6990 running OC-bios with a 6970 in tri-fire wont exactly help lowering the temperatures either! :sweat: There will definitely not be any radiators running here! Edited by Mr. Bravo
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I live in Florida....usually it gets cold around this time but it's still hoooot. Though at night it had been getting around the 40s and so. But If i opened my window during a blizzard (assumning we had any), my PC will probably get so cold and freeze it would stop working then I'd have no way to play Skyrim.


You could always crank the AC down.......more money but better than no PC :thumbsup: But i'm a sucker when it comes to cold weather.....so I will have my little oil heater on...maybe.....

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My computer doubles as a space heater when I'm playing a game that uses the full potential of its GPU and CPU, so I won't need to have the actual heater on.

This ^^


Although I do live in Arizona and our winters here are, well, summer for some northern climes. Lucky for me that I hate the cold with a passion that borders on insanity. :pirate:

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