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disk says 0 kb free and 0 kb used?


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I removed the drivers and reentered them already that pretty much updated because it kept saying that it was up to date the drive brand was default with emachines that. The comp was received in 05. It runs XP I did do the SecauROM remover it came up with three files in the registry that I had to remove manually because it wouldn't it was the "caution do not delete keys" and two others that was like a informational type the remover wouldn't delete because I either didn't have access to them or I chose not to delete them. I had to get another program to let me get rid of those. I think I tried to do that image thing but got lost on doing that my comp won't do it but I can go on another system and do that. Just need to find a step by step on that. I think I tried the disabling burning. But I'll try it again. If I missed any info you need let me know plz.


Edit: well I tried to make an iso an it kept saying that it can't open so I guess I was missing a step. I was trying to do this on a different computer since mine won't read. I know the disk works because the other computer reads it fine. I even went so far as just installing the game to the Portable hard drive in hopes if I attempt to run the game it would overwrite any other files on my computer so it would finally recognize it. The unchecking of the allow to record didn't do any thing. well I thank you all it seems to me I basically tried everything. I'd hate to give up on it. Maybe one day I'll either get an idea or maybe just get a new comp down the road. If any one can still think of an idea please feel free to share. I'll still keep checking for other ideas.


Edit2: i did the iso and it came up as a non recognized file so i had my web search do on a compatability find and the alcahol 52% was one so i used it and the new drive it added is doing the same thing so i am beginin to think it;s not my dvd drive that there is still some sort of software that is preventing it from reading. that is just my assumption. my last resort could be a system refresh to factory not sure if that would do it.

Edited by Joebloes
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Are you comfortable with installing DVD drives ?? -- If so try removing the DVD drive from the other system that the disk was working on and install it on your system ! ( As I said in the first post it seems to be a problem with certain brands of DVD drives so doing this should allow you to install.)
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well i got good news that ISO i gave it another shot. finally got it to go. i once again have a working Oblivion game with SI working fully and KOTN. tyvm everyone. I am once more a happy gamer =). much thnx to every one that posted with sugestions. i do plan on probably getting a new computer down the line so I'll just stick with what i have rigged for now. even all my DLC's work fine too all the quests are popping up. now i can enjoy my elf ranger again =) =) =). and i was thinking of that swapping cd drives but it wasn't my computer that i was testing with the working pc. but now i can play again. thx again all hope others see this and can find the fix to any of their related issues. you all are wonderfull ppl tyvm for the help.
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Glad to hear you got it working --- pretty sad that companies like BETH pay third parties for DRM that causes legit users to have to resort to making an iso image of their purchase just to get it to install when making copies of the files is what the goal of adding that DRM was for in the first place.
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