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Jester's Motley Invisible Textures?


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Ok so i'm making a mod, first one ever (kind of late right?) and I've got a couple links here that you may need to look at. I obviously don't know what I'm doing wrong, because after trying to fix it, it still doesn't work. I was told [elsewhere] that I had invisible textures and I should fix each nif to point to the proper texture. well they are pointing correctly. Still doesn't work. any ideas?


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You have a rigging issue. The clothing/armor parts that are invisible are not properly parented to your skeleton (also known as "Scene Root"). What program did you create your mesh in and how did you rig it?
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That's where you assign "bones" to your meshes so that the game knows where said meshes are relative to your characters position in the game.


Backup your project(s)

Get BSA Commander and export "skeleton.nif" to a location outside of your Oblivion \Data\ folder (any temporary folder works)

Open one project in Blender

Find the "Scene Root" (it's the dot at coordinate 0,0,0) select, and delete it

Save your project then close Blender (this step is necessary to clear the old skeleton (Scene Root) from memory)

Reopen the project in Blender

Delete everything besides your mesh (the lighting and the box etc.)

Hit "A" to select your project

While your mesh is still selected, import the "skeleton.nif" you extracted earlier and choose to parent it to your project on the import screen

Save and close Blender

Open your project in NifSkope and go to the auto-tools drop-down

select "Delete Bogus Nodes"

Save your project



This seems like a lot but once you get used to it, it doesn't take that long. It's mostly Copy/Paste/Save/Load.

Edited by MShoap13
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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! That is a big help, rigging the hat will eventually fix the problem. I've already seen an improvement and all I did was move the hat up (z-axis) 12 in blender import the skeleton as a parent flush the whole thing using nifskope and there's my hat deformed and 12 feet to the left of the player's head.
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If you can find a mod out there with a full body mesh you could temporarily import it into Blender just so you can line your hat up properly. There may be other easier methods of doing this but I'm no pro. :whistling:
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New screenshot of what I've done so far, just the hat though. All the pieces are there, but it's all wrong with the bells floating in mid-air and the hat stuffed into the side of the head. I'm hoping some sort of transformation would fix it, but I'm so new at this I don't know what's actually going wrong.




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You're definitely going to need a more experienced modder than myself to respond for that one. :psyduck:


I'd imagine it's still a rigging issue, but I'm no experienced rigger and your model is obviously too complex for the general copy pasta method.

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