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Homemaker - Missing categories when building


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I don't have many mods and it started after I downloaded Homemaker. It's the latest version and everything. I've uninstalled and reinstalled it several times but it's the same.

There are several missing menu categories in workshop mode, including but not limited to lights except for misc, and furniture except for misc chairs.


I'm pretty sure my .ini files are all correct, too, and I can't find much on Google besides that. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by kamtholic
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Pretty sure this stems from you have hit the item cap/category cap, you might want to check out the SKE (Settlement keywords expanded) and it's associated patches. OCDecorator tends to overwhelm the categories and drowns out other mods, SKE should fix that.

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Now I have a different set of lights and furniture but some that I had before aren't there anymore. -_- I guess I can always reinstall Homemaker without integrating when I want to place something that's not there otherwise lol.



Edit: The water section under resources is gone now (it's just food and misc) and that's important to have so I'm not sure what to do about that. :/


Edit again: Thanks for your help, Grimzkhul, it fixed the problem I was having. Unfortunately for me I've created another problem. Lol. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4449860-ctd-in-workshop-mode/

Edited by kamtholic
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the up but, how did you fix that problem ? Because for me the light dont apear anymore...

Homemaker requires Settlement Keyword's mod.


While Homemaker has not been updated in awhile, it still works with the help of this mod, but I am not sure if it works with the latest DLC. If not there is a homemaker patch for that.


This does rearrange the categories to clean up the menu some, so they might be hard to find at first, but everything it there.

Settlement Keywords Expanded


Edited by bill8872
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I have Settlement Keywords, but thanks for saying


Settlement Keywords v0.8 by Stuyk is only compatible with Fallout 1.4.132 or lower. All the old SK patches are also only going to work with 1.4.132. They alter vanilla menus and will make the categories and menus disappear when used with newer versions of Fallout 4. You should be using 1.5.157 or higher of Fallout 4. If you want to be ready for the next DLC release I suggest you upgrade to 1.6.3 or higher. If you don't Fallout4.esm won't have the new categories in it. Most of the DLC also uses keywords only found in 1.5.157 or higher.


SKE is not required to make Homemaker work with 1.5.157 to 1.5.416 but Homemaker isn't updated for 1.6.3 or higher yet. However, you can't use SK v0.8 and Homemaker together unless you are still using 1.4.132 or lower. Which if you are still using a version that old you are asking for incompatibilities because bethesda alters Fallout4.esm without notice and it breaks mods.


If you upgrade to SKE then you will need to uninstall all the old SK v0.8 patches because they are trying to patch SK which altered the vanilla menus. Altering the vanilla menus is what makes categories and menus disappear. I have a very long list of plugins (on the description page) that should not be used with SKE because of the vanilla menu alterations.


Another way to ensure you have SKE installed and have properly removed old outdated SK mods is to run LOOT. You don't have to sort your load order if you don't want to. When you sort with LOOT there will be an apply button, just don't click it if you don't want to. However, for whatever reason none of the errors and warnings show up unless you first update the masterlist (should happen automatically) and then click sort. Make sure you are running the most recent version of LOOT.


As long as you have no error messages in LOOT then you should be okay. If you have missing menus after that then you are using an outdated version of Fallout 4, you have other mods installed altering the vanilla menus, you didn't uninstall the incompatible mods listed on the description page for SKE, or you need to use the Universal Menu Fixer linked previously.


Also as bill8872 mentioned because of the significant changes made to the vanilla menus the SKE Homemaker patch is unfinished. Anything that Homemaker moved from the vanilla menus is now back in the vanilla menus. Anything that used an old SK v0.8 keyword but was actually a Fallout 4 vanilla keyword will be in the SKE menus. Everything else is in the SKE Homemaker menus. Because of real life I am unable to work on the Homemaker patch at this time. If you would like to try my unfinished version you can download it here. The only thing unfinished about it is that I don't have the post and pre war items completely separated into their separate menus. Other then that it's the upcoming patch that will eliminate the Homemaker menus completely. That way you look in the vanilla menus for vanilla items and the SKE menus for anything that Homemaker added. Easy and simple.

Edited by Sharlikran
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