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Favorite kill?


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Anyone have a particularly satisfying or creative kill? My favorite: Since I started and abandoned the game previously, I knew that there were three Talon Company Mercs that hang around just outside Anacostia Crossing next to Rivet City, and since I had come by a different way I hadn't disturbed them yet. So I went into sneak mode, climbed the rubble beside the building and tossed a Nuka Grenade over their way. They tried to run but it was no use. That was really fun!


Another favorite, which is cool because it can be repeated after a respawn, is to go to Five Axles Rest Stop, again in sneak mode, and heave a Frag Grenade into the truck bed with the three bandits in it. You don't even have to have good aim, and the truck protects you from the explosion. You might have to finish off a straggler or two, though.


I have also been enjoying picking off enemies from extremely long range with a sniper rifle or scoped .44 Magnum. Long before V.A.T.S. becomes available, you can do the job without it with surprising accuracy, and often you are too far away for them to figure out where you are and chase you.

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Sneak mode with Chinese Stealth Armour and Alexscorpion's M82 smiper rifle (silenced version). Just go in ultra-quiet and systematically clear out Slavers, Raiders and/or Talon Company from their favourite haunts - the Lincoln Memorial, Paradise Falls, Evergreen Mills, Fort Bannister. Most, I can get unawares - by the time the Bosses wake up to something not being right, most of their troops are already down. Waste said Bosses, then go collect my companions and sweep the area for anything that isn't nailed down.


To change the pace, there is always the 'Shady Sands Shuffle', which is always loads of fun. One word of advice - think VERY carefully before you try this with a Nuka-Grenade. I did it once in Paradise Falls - killed the guy, six other people and about 90% of me.


There are also Stupid Land Mine Tricks. I always get the 'Light Step' perk ASAP. Once there, one just tends to accumulate lots of land mines. I really like "daisy chain" effects. Just putting a bunch of mines in one heap makes for a great BOOM, but is kind of limited. So, with practice, one can lay out long strings of landmines, kind of like a trail of gunpowder, with you at one end and a big heap of explosives at the other. Shoot the first mine in the chain with anything you have, then just watch. I used this once to kill Tenpenny. Instead of heaping landmines in front of him, I laid out a daisy chain that went all the way around the balcony and came up on him from behind. The last mine in the chain was close behind him - and nuclear. It was awesome.

Edited by 7thsealord
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There are also Stupid Land Mine Tricks. I always get the 'Light Step' perk ASAP. Once there, one just tends to accumulate lots of land mines. I really like "daisy chain" effects. Just putting a bunch of mines in one heap makes for a great BOOM, but is kind of limited. So, with practice, one can lay out long strings of landmines, kind of like a trail of gunpowder, with you at one end and a big heap of explosives at the other. Shoot the first mine in the chain with anything you have, then just watch. I used this once to kill Tenpenny. Instead of heaping landmines in front of him, I laid out a daisy chain that went all the way around the balcony and came up on him from behind. The last mine in the chain was close behind him - and nuclear. It was awesome.

LOVE the land mine tricks! I do the "breadcrumb" trail of mines to kill Feral Ghoul Reavers. They are very tough to kill in straight hand-to-hand or shootout, but four or five bottlecap mines (or a very long line of frag mines) will take one down nicely. I like to lay one mine down where I see the Reaver will step on it in a few seconds, then run down a corridor laying them down behind me. Before long, I can hear the chain of BOOM, BOOM, BOOM starting and see the messages of body parts being crippled and eventually the cha-ching! of EXP. Works great for tough Super Mutants (or frankly almost anything else) as well.


I think this is why FO3 holds my attention for so long. I have put literally months in and continue to play it. When just going around and shooting things eventually gets boring, the fun of finding creative ways to take out your enemy can keep you entertained long after.

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I've also taken to exploding pants recently. Fun, but hard not to get caught up in at least slight collateral damage. Don't like that you lose karma on hostile but non-evil monsters that would not lose you karma to kill in regular combat.


Had another fun one yesterday--I was in (I think) L'Enfant Plaza battling Super Mutants when an Enclave Vertibird decides to land. Enclave soldiers had just exited but the Vertibird was just taking off again. Super Mutants start to swarm the Enclave soldiers, and I started blasting the Vertibird, which exploded and chain-reactioned about a half dozen cars in the street (I am safely above on a ledge). The straggling Super Mutant survivors go down with a couple of Nuka Grenades. What fun!

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Oh, yeah, there are several places that have a bunch of ready-to-explode motor vehicles. I remember when first starting to play the game, and was ignorant about a lot of things (miraculously surviving anyhow ;) ). Was taking the long way out from GNR (you know, out the back through various tunnels and so forth). Got into a fight with Ghouls on a bridge over one of those ex-motorways - and it was suddenly like the entire world blew up in my face.


Sure got rid of the Ghouls, though.

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There was another time when I was in an office building in the Bethesda Ruins. Three levels, with most of the middle level plugged with rubble. I'm on the upper level, and find a roughly person-sized hole in the floor which goes all the way through the middle level and down to the ground floor. My radar show a bunch of bad guys in the area, and I figure that they are actually below me and congregating around the bottom of the hole. Not sufficient smarts to take the stairs or anything, so what can you do?


What to do? I start dropping land mines down the hole (4-5 in all). They arm and detonate the instant they hit the ground (two levels below me) which puts my crew and I nicely out of the blast zone.


Sometimes wonder what the show would have beem like if I had used something with more punch - a Nuka-Grenade, for instance. Ah, well, wiped out the lot of them anyhow. Thanks to the mods in use, I scored some nice armour (now on display in Tec-Vault's Museum) and an especially powerful Laser Pistol (now used by companion Zhao Jiao). It was a good day.

Edited by 7thsealord
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