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New Assassins Gear for Females.


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Okay Okay Okay! SO.... I know there seems to be a very wide and somewhat understandable appreciation for the female form. In it's most explicit form. Nothing wrong with this (I...think?), but after a while it gets a bit old seeing basically a slightly altered version of the same thing, generally consisting of various forms of leather straps, scanty tops(And bottoms), high boots(optional?) and some form of Modder added augmentation.

Well, I personally don't find that kind of thing attractive in the least. Besides the obvious lack of protective value, magical auras or not,its simply unbecoming, demeaning, and...well...grotesque.

I'm not pushing for a ban. If you read the topic, I think something needs to be changed. I don't have any mesh building programs, and I don't know where to find them, but I do have some interesting ideas. Let me outline one.

1- Black, of course, or some really dark color. Can't tell you how many white bondage suits I've found on the nexus.

2- Consists of a light but large black cloak that encompasses the shoulders, with a hood(Cowl). Red gemstone brooch.

3-an over-folding tunic, rather like e Ghi top. If you don't know what that is, look on any martial arts website, you'll probably see one.

4-Baggy kind of pants, that blouse into a pair of knee high black leather boots. Gold or other form of bindings around the boots.

5-Almost no skin. This would include a dragon fang mask.

This would keep the stealth value, and be more intimidating, as well as more awesome, than just one more scantily clad woman in chains and leather.

I'm not downing on the modders who build these things. By all means, please continue. Your work is appreciated. I DID download one of these mods, simply for the appeal that went with the race I gave the garment to. But it's frustrating. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated

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One point - while an assassin in black is a classic idea, a mid-to-dark grey would conceal far better, and would make more sense for a stealthy attack character - and making it somewhat mottled like camoflage would help too. Obviously trying to achieve that while still ending up with an aesthetically pleasing outfit will be harder, but it'd be nice to see - as would a male outfit based on the same principles.
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One point - while an assassin in black is a classic idea, a mid-to-dark grey would conceal far better, and would make more sense for a stealthy attack character - and making it somewhat mottled like camoflage would help too. Obviously trying to achieve that while still ending up with an aesthetically pleasing outfit will be harder, but it'd be nice to see - as would a male outfit based on the same principles.



This is an excellent point. And also very true. I am, in fact, writing a book in which the assassins wear dark grey clothing. Seeing as how, in Oblivion, with a high enough sneak skill, I can sneak around wearing Daedric armor, a modder/mesher could focus more on something aesthetically pleasing.(Ahem, NOT in the traditional form of fantasy aesthetics). Yes?

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from this mod?



or apparently somewhere along these lines? sorry only mod i saw that even came close to what you are asking for


Yes! Definitely something along those lines. I was thinking something that looked a bit less Hasanseen, and a bit more...almost.... demonic.

The clothes would be looser, to provide for more flexibility, but remain tight enough to not seem cumbersome. A cloak, like a said, even though cloaks are often considered just that....cumbersome. A hood came to mind, along with the mask. A cowl. The tail skirt is a bit of an interesting touch.

Overall, that's definitely a step up from most of the gear I see. Haha. I should probably do what the pinned comment says and look around for the mod before placing a topic. Thanks though.

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I'll see what I can do about eventually adding a picture of some form or another. Might take a while, as I don't have a scanner. Perhaps route the picture through my Sisters facebook...

Then save it to desktop, and transfer it here.



Anyway, any more ideas would be welcome. Pictures, files, ideas, input, ouput, exclamations, inclinations, excavations, or any other -vations and innovations you can place.


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That mod looks rather interesting, but I have problems with stealth outfit mods that employ chains and flashy attachments. If you are planning on being stealthy, you don't want anything hanging loose that can make noise, and you surely don't want anything that will reflect light around you and get you noticed. The reason you would want to have the armor close fitting is for noise reasons. The looser the armor, the more likely it will make noise from movement. Fabric/leather rubbing against itself makes noise. The same materials slapping your arms or legs while moving makes noise. The grey color idea is an interesting one, but with color, the closer to white, the more it is reflective. Black absorbs light, white reflects it.


If you want to add realism, then adding something like a script to the armor would be interesting. Making the wearer more likely to be caught and questioned if they are seen outside when not sneaking/hiding in that outfit.

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That mod looks rather interesting, but I have problems with stealth outfit mods that employ chains and flashy attachments. If you are planning on being stealthy, you don't want anything hanging loose that can make noise, and you surely don't want anything that will reflect light around you and get you noticed. The reason you would want to have the armor close fitting is for noise reasons. The looser the armor, the more likely it will make noise from movement. Fabric/leather rubbing against itself makes noise. The same materials slapping your arms or legs while moving makes noise. The grey color idea is an interesting one, but with color, the closer to white, the more it is reflective. Black absorbs light, white reflects it.


If you want to add realism, then adding something like a script to the armor would be interesting. Making the wearer more likely to be caught and questioned if they are seen outside when not sneaking/hiding in that outfit.



But of course, you are correct in that. When I say loose clothing, I'm not referring to something super baggy or flyaway. That would just look even more Hasanseen.

I was thinking more akin too...hmmm...

If you've ever seen a soldier in BDU's, with pants bloused (Tucked) into his boots, it would be about that baggy. Loose enough not to chafe, or hinder the ability to stretch, but tight enough not to impede you on you mission, be that through audible or physical forms.

And yes, the closer something is to black, the less light it reflects. It would depend on just what time you plan to go sneaking around. If it's pitch black outside, I want something as dark as it comes. If I'm toddling around at dusk, then still black. Twilight would be a good time for dark grey.

The script is a curious idea, but I understand the realism behind it, as no normal person would wander around aimlessly wearing a garb obviously meant to be so sinister. It's like catching someone wandering in the open with a prison uniform. They are obviously up to no good.


As always, I welcome the input. Of course, I'm not going to be building this mod. I have no modding or meshing equipment, and no skill to use them, even if I did have them. And you can forget scripting. I'm about as good at scripting as your average badger.

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I understand what you mean by blousing the legs of the pants hehe, former military here :) What I have seen on several outfits designed for stealth and combat is leather straps tied at different areas of the legs and arms to hold the fabric/material from moving too much without causing issues with movement. For instance, a leather strap at the ankle, wrist, calf, thigh, bicep and forearm.
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I understand what you mean by blousing the legs of the pants hehe, former military here :) What I have seen on several outfits designed for stealth and combat is leather straps tied at different areas of the legs and arms to hold the fabric/material from moving too much without causing issues with movement. For instance, a leather strap at the ankle, wrist, calf, thigh, bicep and forearm.


That I haven't seen. I'll have to look into it. It sounds similiar to something I may have read about a goodly time ago, though.

Anyway, I'll take that into consideration. In relation to the last comment, Chains and jingling items never really clicked with me either. The garment I had in mind is pure cloth, with the exception of the brooch. I'm still trying to get a picture I can post to give a clearer...well...picture, of what I see.

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