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Container Contents Generation Bug


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astantos posted a topic for this in Mod Requests but I reckon this is the correct place, since there doesn't seem to be any fix for it yet.

Link to that topic here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3886845-automatic-container-contents-generation-bug/




So a lot of people have already experienced the Cell Reset Bug, and some of them have been able to fix it using mods such lapdragon's Cell Reset Workaround Patch (http://www.nexusmods...ut4/mods/6772/?)

In fact, a second bug exists - one that I will name as the Container Contents Generation Bug for now, since no one seems to have named it already. It does exactly what its name suggests - generate random contents for containers that SHOULD NOT have their contents edited. NOTE: This is not quite the same as the cell reset bug, as nothing is lost, only added.

This is extremely irritating, especially for those of us who like to sort out their items using multiple chests, as every time the cell is loaded, the chests will be stocked up with random loot as if they were 'wild' chests - contents could include ammo, caps, pre-war money, junk and weapons (possibly armour, I'm not sure). The two pictures in the link below show an example of this.


Picture 1: Steamer Trunk that is meant only to contain melee legendary weapons.

Picture 2: Drawers that are only supposed to contain clothing, now with duck tape and shot glass as well . . . its not what you think, I didn't put them there http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif


Apparently was right under my nose all along. In the comments of lapdragon's Cell Reset Patch, I found the following:



0 kudos6 posts

after installing this mod my cointainers at settlements (red rocket and sanctuary) are still generating new random items, both player-made and generic. Nothing got lost, just gettin random stuff atop of my belongings.

posted @ 10:29, 19 Feb 2016



lapdragon13 kudos321 posts

That's because those containers still have the Scrounger and Caps keywords enabled - all I did was delete the respawn flags from them. I tried to keep all the containers as close to vanilla functionality as possible, and just stop them from deleting all our stuff.

So...yup. I'm not the only one with this problem, and apparently the problem has already been identified. Can someone please actually make the solution? http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif



So I have this exact problem and I've done a bit more testing. Thing is, I have never needed nor used lapdragon's mod and I have never experienced a cell reset.

How I was able to recreate this bug:

1) I placed some containers such as metal chests or footlockers in my Sanctuary settlement and left them empty.

2) I fast traveled (far) away and back.

3) The containers I've placed are now filled with random loot.

4) Containers which I placed in vanilla Fallout (before I installed any mod) have kept their inventory, but random loot has been added to some of them as well, and yet, some of them are left unaffected. I could not figure out why.

Notes that might help:

- I have all expansions installed.

- I have the highest level Scrounger perk and no Cap Collector perk.

- Scrapping/replacing containers don't help at all.

- Where I place to container in the settlement don't seem to have any effect. (I did not test this extensively)

- I've also tested with lunchboxes and they seem to be free of this bug (meaning they don't generate any random loot at all.)

- The only settlement mod I've ever installed was Increased Build Limit Enhanced 4K by DDProductions83 (http://www.nexusmods...t4/mods/13779/?) and I used it's function only once in my Sanctuary settlement. The version I used was tagged Epic, and I updated the mod when Epic.2.0 was released by the author. I did not activate any functions from the newer version. I'm suspicious of this mod (at least in my case) as I didn't have this bug before I used it. I have to add that I can't be sure, and I wouldn't want to place any unwarranted blame.

- I should also note that I have the Unofficial Patch installed.

- I only have three other mods that add objects to workshop mode:

  • Workbench from AWKCR by Valdacil and Gambit77
  • Custom radios added from OLD WORLD RADIO - BOSTON by Brandoman neeher and cdante
  • The mirror from Looks Mirror by Expired6978

Other than these, I have never installed nor used any other mod that alter workshop mode or settlements in any way.

What I didn't test:

- Testing other types of containers.

- Checking to see if every other settlement have this bug. (Tested only a couple)

Edited by kildarien
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The chance of my mod doing it is almost nil, the only variable that gets messed with is adding a keyword via script to the workstation upgraded. It seems cell reset is keen on anything in the build-able area having a respawn flag.


I have tested my mod and spent a week outside the cells whose workshops were affected then came back, 0 issues

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