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The Institute Settlement


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Hey Peps


I don't nomraly request mods here, but there is a mod that I really want, and Im unsure where to go to ask for this mod.


This mod is rather simple and basic, but I do not kown how well this will work, but let's get on with it.



The Institute Settlement:


The Institute Settlement is a mod that allows you to use the Institute as a Settlement & Workshop place, just like any other settlements around the commonwealth. However due to this is a underground base, that no one knows exists, there will be a few changes to how this one works.


Entering: In order to allow your settlers to enter the Insusuite is to be on their side and have completed the game, siding with them. This will then unlock the place as a Settlement. To send them to one, you must craft a Relay Chip. Once this is built, it can be given to any settler you deem necessary. Once given, you can tell them to go to that place.


The Workshop: The Workshop, here will work a bit differently, you can only build Institute type items and objects only, with some exceptions of power armor and work-benches, like Weapons/Armor etc. However each one there will have its own thame to fit the Insuite thame. (a Color change).


You are freely able to remove and edit, rooms as you see, fit, however there is a few rooms, that you can NOT Edit or remove.


1. Any of the Labs


2. The Lift & Relay Room


This is to prevent any game breaking issues, however the settlers can walk around in them rooms and exit as they see fit. all besides the relay and lift room.



The Settlement: Due to this settlement is different to the others, there are things that will be removed or does not need to be used in order to make the place "Happy". The things are followed.


Defence: This has been removed or edited it such a way, it will always be at Max or %. This is due to they are underground and not everyone, but you knows about this place. It is un-attackable and is always at 100% protected. Time to save your scrap of Turrets!.


Power: Power, as well, has been removed or edited in such a way it will always be 100% or %, The Institute have a giant power nuclear generator, that is enough power, even in lore wise.


People: This is still needed, however it has been cut down a bit, to avoid too meny people at once, a max of 40-50 people is allowed and after that it's considered maxxed out. People already in the place still class as "People" but are bound to this place, and can not be removed.


Food & Water: There will still be need for this as well, there will be a small room that you can use, to put stuff in here, at the back, where there is grassy parts, this room is a new room, that is used for this, but when you first get it, it's clear, you have to build it up yourself. There is also a cap where enough food is made.


Beds: You will still need to make beds, the beds of course are Insusuited styled ones, there will be new rooms for them to enter, or you can use pre-existing ones, along with people. there is a limit. Beds that are already inside, also account as beds (Expect yours & Your Son's).



So people, that is my small mod request, I do hope we'll able to make this as so, due to I feel, that life indeed is better underground, and in my eyes, why shuold I get to live in heaven while my settlements live on the westland above?




Thank You..




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