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Sooooo...... The women will be more realistic right?


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The most unrealistic aspect of the games, for me, was the universal and generic sizes of the characters. As noted before, they all looked gaunt. With Fallout we at least got a nice size difference in the super mutants. I would like to have seen something utilizing this. Having people of all sizes would be nice. However, and despite the good work on the models, I can do without the loli type, in my game.


I want to walk into a tavern and see a really short guy talking to someone who has to duck to get out the door. The keeper is a bit robust and the serving wench looks nice, but having exceptionally large breasts, not so much. A little diversity.


The women should be the same way, though. Short, tall, thin, thick. I also imagine that for these northern areas, a large majority of women would look athletic. They would be working hard just to survive. I agree that we can do without the stick thin arms and we can do with a fuller figure. The giant hands.. dunno about that part...


As for mods, tattoos and scars. Hell yeah.

Edited by Malikin
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Well, my definition of realistic is "Looks like something that could exist without plastic surgery, implants, and so on."

I would say "Looks like something that could exist." and that would be my oponion, because this is a fantasy game after all, there are dragons and stuff, i just want this game to be more abult, its is an abult game after all, so i want to see some winter horror, like getting damage from getting too cold, maybe frozen people on the mountains sometimes and so on.


What i think is not realistic is when i see someone swiming in a fur armor in a river in winter.

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