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Mechanical wings.


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I've seen a few outfit pieces here and there that use a few animations. Whilst exploring the commonwealth with my jetpack mod (which is awesome by the way) I thought of the following.

I found this little image here on Google, which should help elaborate on what I'm trying to explain in this suggestion/request.


Basically, mechanical wings that sheathe behind your back when not in use. Along with a hotkey so when you jump from a height, you can activate them as a glider.

But that's not all they're good for. With the jump button, you can activate a jetpack effect to elevate a little. It should be an expensive AP drain, but with smart use you could cross huge distances while gliding.

I suppose having the wings spout fire for cosmetic effect when using the jetpack option would be awesome. Let's say, with regular PC buttons, spacebar is jump and jetpack, shift activates sprint/glide.

Tapping shift in free fall spreads out the wings, allowing you to glide/slowfall.



Here's a brief summary of my idea.



  • Mechanical wings that sheathe when you're not in the air.
  • Can be activated when you're falling, to be used as a glider.
  • Pressing the jump button activates a jetpack effect for a heavy AP cost.
  • Worn in the backpack slot.
  • Can hold a legendary effect (optional).
Edited by SerpentbreeD
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