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Where in the World is Doc Mitchell?


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Do you notice the Doc dosen't stay in his house? I got injured (hardcore mode) in the Mojave, and went back to Goodsprings to find the Doc, only he wasn't at home, but what I did notice is when I was flighting those Bloatflies in the graveyard, I noticed Victor following me (as he usually do) along with the good doctor in the graveyard. the flies took Victor (may the tub of boats RIP, and no, I didn't shoot Victor; my karma didn't go down when he died), and I saw the good doctor run from the graveyard, and now I can't find him.


Where does that old man go when he's not home?

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I haven't actually ever seen him outside of his house, but that might be because I don't spend too much time in Goodsprings. I do know that NPCs marked as cowards in their traits will often run away from you if you are near them with Caution or Danger on you, that could be why he was outside in the first place.


If you don't mind using console commands, try this:


placeatme 00104c0c 1*


*you might not need the 1 at the end.


That command should spawn him to your location. I suggest spawning him in a safe location, such as in his home of another safe interior.

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Thank you. It is good to have the good doctor home. I was too injured to do anything, and it was too early in the game to travel safely. I dont' usually condone using the console, but this is an exception that had to be made.


Now go kill something.

Edited by MaddMax
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