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Medieval Cyrodiil


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Sorry, this is just kind of a goofy, "out there" post, relevant, but likely a sincere waste of energy to read....

Looking back through the comments, and the posts, and thinking about weapons, as I always seem to be...(I'm so narrow sometimes)

Got me to thinking about how all soldiers and warriors, from the lowliest footman to high lords and captians, would always carry a dagger/knife/stilleto/dirk(etc.) as a secondary, in case they lost their first weapon, or needed to pull a quick "gotcha" on somebody.

When I started thinking about that, it got me to thinking about the annoying Skyrim blunder on how you couldn't see both your equipped weapons, unless you rapidly equipped and unequipped your helmet, or other such article of armor or clothing.

And THAT got me to thinking about that old classic(?) Two Worlds. Harhar.

The dagger was equipped in a secondary slot, and didn't count as a weapons unless you were sneaking. But you could see them.

This is really just aesthetic goofiness, and I'm certain someone may want to backhand me for adding such ridiculosity, but you think it would be possible to duplicate something like this? Or is this the kind of thing thats just to much aesthetic itchy scratch to really want to worry about.

I'm just airing my scrambled thoughts right now. Gotta lot going on at the moment what with my impending deployment, and I haven't really been thinking clearly for a few months

I just always thought a character looked cooler when you could see the heat(steel?) he/she's packing. One of the lesser reasons I like Mount & Blade so much.

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Doubt if you know of this but here is something I am working on that is similar at least in a single large area (one whole continent is Medieval): http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/622054-resources-for-kenvigard-mod/page__view__findpost__p__4892468__fromsearch__1
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, just checking up to see how things are going... still interested in helping you, providing life hasn't gotten in the way.... lemme know how things are going, what kind of progress you've made so far... or if the projects fallen through.

Getting shipped to another base in about a month, so I'm gonna be indisposed for a while... if you need any help, I'll help however I can.

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