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Its Cold in Skyrim


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First, was there originally suppose to be 9 Races in Skyrim or just 1 hence the Demo Nord.


The question im asking is, how can a Cold Blooded Argonian survive the harshest Cold of Skyrim and why must he/she be there for the 10 Races of it.


The same goes for the Mud Crab.

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assuming that they are cold-blooded at all, since it doesn't say... http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian


why are you so concerned about it? :confused:


-its fantasy, its all made up

- people like to play as argonians

- maybe they aren't cold-blooded like a snake

- also the devs made the game, so they can put whatever the hell they want in the game.

- and mudcrabs are awesome :P


also their were always going to be ten races. the ten classic races for the elder scrolls. the question at the beginning was if they were adding new races to the game.

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It would be awesome though if some areas were so cold that you would get a small frost damage when walking there, unless you were a Nord of course ;) I remember there were a similar area in Oblivion, somewhere around Pale Pass I think. I had to run like hell and use protective spells against frost :P
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argonians have breasts too .. a non mammal with mammary gland? .. I would say its safe to say they aren't of this world... also.. doesn't it seem strange that all these people can shoot fire from their hands? .. magic! .. or my favorite simpson jokes .. Lucy Lawless: "when you notice something like that .. a wizard did it"
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  On 10/15/2011 at 8:22 AM, modder3434 said:

assuming that they are cold-blooded at all, since it doesn't say... http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian


I agree with the sentiment here. There's little reason to believe they're cold-blooded, and a fair amount of evidence to the contrary. Virtually no cold-blooded creature of a similar size would eat as much (IIRC, many take regular daily meals in Oblivion) or be as active (constantly moving about and bipedal) as the Argonians.


If we're looking for real life analogues, birds are warm-blooded and evolved from dinosaurs, some of whom were almost certainly also warm-blooded. It's off topic, but warm-blooded isn't a terribly precise term either. The Argonians could have a sustained core temperature which needs a small boost from, say, a warmer environment such as a sub-tropical swamp (which it seems they tend to prefer) in order to maintain an effective lifestyle. So, perhaps they're somewhere in between on the scale?


Anyway, this is actually a great question you've raised, and it definitely sparked my curiosity. Maybe Bethesda will clarify things in Skyrim, and Argonians conversing about the cold will be the new 'mudcrab conversation?' :smile:

Edited by xaliqen
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