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Horde Mode



68 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you FOR or AGAINST A Horde Mode in TES?

    • For
    • Against
  2. 2. FOR

    • It Allows players to Jump quickly into intense combat without extensive wandering.
    • The astmosphere is something we havnt seen to much in TES prior.
    • Other (Sate Below)
  3. 3. AGAINST

    • Combat Shouldn't be exploited in this way.
    • It does not fit the feel of what TES is about.
    • It may attract a bad crowd.
    • Other.(State Below)

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1. The game world will either be a dungeon or a small city that is being overrun (Passwall or the Imperial city, both during their invasion). Unable to enter separate cells (houses), unable to leave, and unable to fall back to recover.


So... downloading a hord mode mod doesn't make the rest of the Oblivion game unplayable.. Its just a mode in addition to everything else, meaning there is no content loss... however you seem to try to claim that there is...


2. EVEN IF you could bring in your player character, many players in the new "everything counts" system will have useless skills. They would have toYo bring back the old classes and give players some skills and spells and equipment to keep the game even. Then, sneaking will have to be tweaked, else you would just sneak attack everyone when in rough spots. It would be a disgusting oversimplification on the game.


right.. people can't enjoy a good hack and slash without having their charector perfectly customized to the situation.. wait in every fight in Oblivion your charector isn't perfectly customized for the situation, yet people still tend to be enjoying themselves... odd its like what your saying doesn't make sence..

Sure I mean some pickpocket thieves might not enjoy intense fighting or horde mode but they don't have to play it... and if they really really want to then can still reroll another toon..


4. So you get through 50 waves of deadra, or zombies, or werewolves... and then what? You die. You start over. Or you have an "end" like Halo, then what? You play it again? Just to do the same thing... insanity, doing things over and over expecting a different result.


Moar content is still moar content.. last I checked quests had an ending point too.. and you don't see people hatin' on them


6. You again will be babysitting teammates, or hiding behind them. They may try to grievance you, And even if you put stoppers like that in place, you have no control over the people you play with... even good friends have to pee eventually. And if you are newer to the game, you will get a sense that you are awful, when really there are countless ways to play the main game.



You can't multiplayer the Elder Scrolls on PC from everything I've heard..

and to if you also download a solid companion mod.. everything you say suddenly makes no sense


7. Not only will the encounters be similar, but the maps will be the same. You will be returning to the same places over and over. and killing the same things over and over. It takes the fun out of those finishing moves, and out of really destroying a swarm of enemies and barely coming out alive. No... those things are expected.


Sure? If you play a mod over and over again... yes you will go to the same place over and over again... you will kill the same things over and over again.. and the encounters will only be similiar if the modder wants them to be? what your saying is more just a matter of how much time and content the modder wants to put into it than a smack at hord mode


8. What is the point? Will you get a reward? Or a pat on the back? Remember the potato snatcher quest? Kill an orge and get some bread... yeah this is kill an army or two and we will congratulate you by saying... good for you.


fun? oh right because Skyrim is only fun because of the rewards not any of the epic content that happens before it *rolls eyes*


10. Mods and modders are WHO PLAY THIS GAME. They are the lifeblood that keeps it active even past the next games release. If they are busy finding cheats and loopholes for the multiplayer, then they arent making maps and new animations.


And for side notes. Every minute they spend making multiplayer is a minute they could have been hunting down bugs in their 16 Sq mile map, that they have to assume someone, somewhere is going to actually walk over every miniscule amount.


and multiplayer isn't possible and never will be. You cannot lan near enough data per second for the game to work (at least from everything I have heard). If it was possible why are you bitching that would be fantastic, I could just roll around Skyrim with a few friends as we set out to gank dragons or clear out entire towns. The possibilities would be endless and it would be soooo fun, Skyrim LAN parties FTW ;D

Edited by blackhalo321
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I play a multitude of shooters... BFBC2, Im getting BF3, I have all the Halo games, I have all of the CoD games (but Im not getting MW3), gears was meh... FEAR was awesome, Quake especially QWET were awesome...


The idea is... TES is a RPG not an action game (AC, LOTR, Gauntlet, et cetera). What could Bethesda do to make the multiplayer game unique, enjoyable, balanced, not-exploitable and yet rewarding to the point that it doesnt detract from the single player game?


In the end... if I want horde mode... I play CoD zombies. If I want a level that a friend and I work together to get through, I play CoD spec. ops. If I want horde with vehicles I play Halo ODST or Reach. If I want an objective bow and arrow multiplayer I play LOTR. If I want a co-op campaign I play Gauntlet or Borderlands.


The only true "arena" they could do is a player vs player arena... and as I have said in the multiplayer thread... that just doesnt work.



The reason I play TES games... is a single player experience that is tailored to my actions, and my choices, on my time. No rush, no linearity, and never a dull moment.


Thats nice but its an optional mode/quest that can still entertain many people and so still has a purpose

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Or, how about instead of fighting a Horde of enemies have it so that you fight one really powerful enemy equivalent to a lot of smaller ones? Maybe something really big and powerful looking that would chase you if you tried to run away? And to make it even scarier, you pretty much had to fight it alone? And if you managed to kill it you'd get some kind of awesome power or something? ;)
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Or, how about instead of fighting a Horde of enemies have it so that you fight one really powerful enemy equivalent to a lot of smaller ones? Maybe something really big and powerful looking that would chase you if you tried to run away? And to make it even scarier, you pretty much had to fight it alone? And if you managed to kill it you'd get some kind of awesome power or something? ;)

Me and Odai had discussed the concept of "Chase Scenario Dungeons" a long while back.

I find it to be a good topic, if anyone wants to make a thread on it? :whistling:

Think....Indiana Jones Collapsing temple<Rades of Lost Arcr> ....with a Minatour.

-Perhaps even Chase Scenario Assasinaions, Akin to the Original Assasins Creed.


& BLACK HALO321 be nice bro, you lose a good 2/3rds of your validity when you argue angry or in an angry tone.

Odai is QUITE,quite smart and his reasons do make much sense. Even i came to the conclusion that a Horde Mode w/ draugr may not be the best idea.

BUT a Survial mode with Werewolves..... :ohdear:

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I wouldn't like a standard horde mode, but I think if you go to prison you should have the option of getting stuck in an arena for entertainment as an alternative. If you die, reload a save. If you win against unfair odds, you go free. It seems like a 'primal, rough, Nord style of punishment'. It'd probably fit into Skyrim pretty well if somebody modded it. Edited by Rennn
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& BLACK HALO321 be nice bro, you lose a good 2/3rds of your validity when you argue angry or in an angry tone.

Odai is QUITE,quite smart and his reasons do make much sense. Even i came to the conclusion that a Horde Mode w/ draugr may not be the best idea.

BUT a Survial mode with Werewolves..... :ohdear:


I'm not in favor or against, his arguments were pretty shaky imo so I pointed it out.

Personally I'm more of a fan of quests/storylines than wading threw mobs but I tend to stay neutral because horde hacking still has its merits :)


A hord mode, like near any other mode can be worked into Skyrim it mostly just depends on the skill and creativity of the modder(s). It'd have to be a single player mode because of Skyrim being Skyrim.


What would be a fun side note is working a solid companion mod into it that lets 5+ people fallow you and maybe scripting some traps into buyable/deployable items from inventory.


------ Just some ideas

Goblin like creatures are painfully easy to hord-mode-itize and an Oblivion mod I ran threw doubled->tripled the amount of goblins.. it actually turned out rediculously fun lol. It'd take some time but you can even turn the general world into a 'hord mode' by doubling+ the creature amounts in certain areas and possibly adding in spontaneous large invasions of 'something storyline' into areas adding even more of that hordely effect.


You can even just make it a big side quest, there was one mod that did that in Morrowind. It had a far away island that had armies of 40+ on each side fighting each other, it had a pretty cool story line and was executed pretty solidly to boot.


If you really wanted to stick to the classics though you could just make a necromance-crazy area that used to be one of the great cities untill a cult of necromancers found thier way into the catacombs and resurrected armies of the dead, wiped out the area and roze all the dead civilians into even more zombies leaving bands of 10+ zombies just scowring the area as just the same old same old and you have to carve your way threw the masses with a bunch of fellow adventurers to some liches with some epic storyline mixed in.. it seems like a pretty possible addition at least imo



Anyways a survival mode with werewolves seems like it would take more coding but is definitely possible and seems interesting, it mainly just comes down to how well the modder makes it.. more so than the hord mode imo since there is much more room to fail

Edited by blackhalo321
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If I wanted a Horde Mode, I'd play L4D.

Implementing such a thing in TES games is cheap, uninspiring and it completely ruins the deeling of the game.


The only similar thing I can envision is getting mobbed by a small village (10-15 sods) in a quest plotline like crazy cultists, zombies, and such.


Beat back one wave, and you're done.

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@ Halo...

I already said that I was misunderstanding Trolo for a multiplayer post, a horde sequence or quest area, or even a DLC dungeon filled to the brim with mudcrabs would be awesome and comepletely doable.


IF it was a multiplayer, my arguments stand to reason to the effect that the key aspects of the game that we value most would need to be altered, even in the slightest bit temporarily, to accommodate such a game variant. This would require planning, design, bugfixing, and other essensial things that the Devs could be using making NPCs more realistic, or designing epic dungeons or creatures. So I wont argue your points because they are asking me to "prove" something that is supposed to be held dear to any TES fan. The 10 things are simply a culmination of the 10 biggest things that we love as players that TES does unique. If ANY of those things changed, then the game wouldnt be a TES game. There would be TES advenures, or the battlespire... which, though good games in their own respect, they werent as good as the main series in play or sales.


Horde mode sequences are in TES games already and often. Tribunal in Morrowind- The fabricants attacking. Bloodmoon in Morrowind- the entirety of "the Hunt". Oblivion- the killing field, the gates opening, SI- passwall, or the final battle, KotK didnt have one.

Edited by Odai
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