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At least give this a glance? Please?


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I would like some clothing and/or armor for my mage. This is what I want http://saichiyoe.deviantart.com/art/Tilari-Fair-Winter-611474603


I don't really like the mage clothing and nothing else really seems to fit her, there's also not a lot of lore friendly armor and clothing for the CBBE body and I don't want my mage running around the freezing cold land of Skyrim in skimpy outfits. I would be completely content if someone, anyone, just made the plain blue version without the armor and such, I just added the armor and the Imperial and Stormcloak versions because I thought other people might like those versions. If someone would at least give this a glance I'd be very grateful.


All I am really asking for is the dark blue version and the design on the cuffs and lower part of the dress can be simplified and if any additional information is needed I will answer. Please at least take a look at my design..

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I did already put in the request but it quickly got buried in the other posts. It's meant to be like the fine clothes, but I find the fine clothes to be very dirty looking and ugly and very very flat and boring...and the colors are just awful.

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