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The Game is running VERY stable


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Somthing that has worked very well for me.


I am using windows 7 32bit

Radeon 4850x2, (no crossfire)

4gb memory

Phenom IIx4 965,(overclocked to 3600mhz through AMD vision engine control center)


I have attached a copy of my mods list. ( Any suggestions for additional content is appreciated)

Here is an attached copy of the Utilities used.


Now that all that is out of the way. This is what I found that made a big differance in the game performance.

I have the game Loaded with Steam on a 60gb SSD seperate from the OS. and I had another 60gb with nothing on it yet,so I thought I would try "Readyboost" and I designated a portion of that drive to readyboost and it has made a big difference in how smoothly the game loads cells and FPS. I have played for about 10 hrs streight with no,"YES thats NO CTDs"


I hope this will help some of those having so much trouble. Keep this in mind when Skyrim comes out. It might help with that game also.


I will test this with FO3 as it was another pretty buggy,ruff, unstable game.


Good Luck all




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