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OOO messes up item prices.


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Well I was playing oblivion and while looking through my items I noticed welkynd stones were priced at 255 each for some reason. After looking at my other items, I noticed pretty much all my other items prices were messed up as well and after checking merchants the amount of money they have looked normal.


I'm running OOO with fcom, though I don't know if this would affect it at all. I know the problem is OOO because when I deactivate the Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp file the prices are suddenly normal again. I've tried literally everything I can think of to fix this problem to no avail - I've tried reinstalling OOO, reinstalling fcom on a clean install, completely reinstalling oblivion itself, changing things in my bashed patch, and probably other stuff I forgot to mention so I'm really confused.


I had thought maybe my save file was corrupt, so I tried checking prices on another file. The prices were different(I believe welkynd stones on the other file were 216 each), but nonetheless the prices are messed up on more than one account so I'm pretty sure it isn't a corrupt save. So I honestly have no clue how to fix this problem and I'm hoping someone here can think of something.

Edited by LaKitty
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Overhauls may or may not affect base prices of items. If they do, it's usually documented in the appropriate readme.


The reason your prices at vendors vary is due to your mercantile skill and the bartering system inherent in the game.


If you really don't like the base value changes OOO makes, you could learn to modify plugins and either delete the entries that cause this or edit the entries to have any price you'd like (including the vanilla value). I personally recommend TES4Edit for most plugin work as it's a more intuitive way of doing things than the CS.

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