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Can't finish Companion-Heirloom-Quest (CR06)


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Hey folks...

For some reason, I can't complete the above mentioned quest. I do have the orcish axe in my inventory, and the questlog does say "go back to Vilkas" (or however he's named). But "Vilkas" isn't interested. No quest-marker, no quest-relevant dialogue-options.

I tried setting the quest-stage back to 1-10, but that didn't work, as quest-stage 255 remained set to 1, no matter what I did.

I tried resetting the quest, but then it doesn't let me set the quest-stage to 1-10 (all remain set to 0, no matter what I do)

I really want to get to the Dragon Seeker quests, so I can "farm" some dragon bones... But I'm currently stuck :/

Help, please.

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