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How do you imagine them to be? I mean, we've already seen what Sheogorath's realm is like (the Shivering Isles), but what about Azura's or Clavicus Vile's realms? Which realm would you like to see the most?


For me, it'd be Nocturnal's realm. Dunno how that'll be, but I suspect that there'll be a lot of pickpocketing NPCs and lots of thieves and thieving gangs. Say, at night, you'd be at ground level, and when you look up you see some sort of shadowy figure sneaking about on a rooftop. I'm guessing that the main rumor talk of NPCs would be...Nocturnal's Cowl? Perhaps. I'm also guessing that the guards would be cloaked/dark looking figures. I dunno what the quests there would be about, though.

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Coldharbour might be interesting to see.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Deadlands (not those silly little Hell-clone pockets).

'I am in a storm,' he told me as he entered the next realm. He described the landscape of dark twisted trees, howling spirits, and billowing mist, and I thought he might have entered the Deadlands of Mehrunes Dagon.

Quagmire would make for a good horror mod...the idea of implementing a few scenarios was brought up at TR, don't know if it came to anything.

Attribution's Share would be a good setting for a quest mod.

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