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[BETA Testing] Explosive Entry - Lockpicking Is For Nerds


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Disclaimer: This is a thread for the first BETA release of my mod, Explosive Entry. It is largely untested and it might very well be super buggy, mess with your save games, blow up Megaton, among other things. You should NOT consider this a release, and you should only download it with the intention of finding and reporting bugs or giving feature feedback. I will not be held responsible for or feel guilt over your PC blowing up whatever else might happen in the event of a bug in this mod. Thanks for helping me test!

This will also be released for XB1 and PS4 once I feel it's ready for an actual release, please don't ask about it.


Explosive Entry


What the heck is it?


This mod allows you to use explosives to breach locked doors and containers, instead of lockpicking them. It's chance- and skill-based. I'd really like to thank the people on the Bethesda forum who have been very helpful on my scripting endeaveurs. You guys rock! Especially SmkViper and Pokepunch have been a great help, I really appreciate it.




  • Works with all explosive weapons that use the vanilla keyword "WeaponTypeExplosive".
  • Works on all containers AND doors that are normally able to be lock-picked.
  • The chance to breach a container/door is based on the player's perception. A random number between 0 and 12 will be generated. If the number is lower than the player's perception, the container/door will unlock.
  • Fully integrated without any menus or interface buttons. Just literally blow up the container with whatever you might have at hand.

Known bugs:


  • None

What kind of feedback am I looking for?


  • Any bugs that are not already listed under known bugs. Please try to be as descriptive as possible on how to reproduce the bug. If you have additional info about an already reported bug, I would love to hear it.
  • Feature feedback and suggestions. If you have any ideas for things I could add, or something that doesn't "feel" right, I would love to hear that as well.



Version 0.2b:


  • Chance is now based on the lock difficulty


Version 0.1b:


  • Initial beta release



Version 0.2b (Click "Download through browser")

Version 0.1b (Click "Download through browser")

Edited by OpenSaucer
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Can you also punch them open, with chance based on your strength/Power Armor? Do your explosives have a chance of destroying some of the container's content?


They can't be punched open, but I guess it could be a fun feature to add. And about item destruction, it's a planned optional feature.

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I have a large suggestion.

including "Chance / Luck" into this system and allowing there to be a chance of the explosive "jamming it" which would force you to have to use the lock pick.
And a even lower chance that the explosive to "break the lock" and make it un openable.

i think explosive skill and Luck along with what you already have to be incorporated into this system.
because the knowledge of using explosives should be heavily based in this aswell.

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The suggestions above all sound good, and this is a great mod idea that I didn't realize I needed till I saw it.

My concern was the spamming of explosives to try to get the door open,but the idea of it jamming the lock or breaking it would help with that.

I will say that, it would be neat to have a version of the mod that instead of any explosive, it would be a "breaching charge" only. Mainly because something like a grenade or dynamite would not only blow the lock open, but the door as well xD. This isn't really a complaint or anything though, I still plan to use the mod either way. Was just a thought for 'realism enthusiasts'. Itd be easy enough for me to make a version of it for my private use if I so chose.

Really neat mod idea! Can't wait to use it.

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My concern was the spamming of explosives to try to get the door open,but the idea of it jamming the lock or breaking it would help with that.


I will say that, it would be neat to have a version of the mod that instead of any explosive, it would be a "breaching charge"

The Mod seems to work well for me so far.

I Just think the Mod should:


Core Skills needed for breaching: Explosives, Secondary Skill: lockpicking. [same value importance as perception]

Secondary Attributes used: 'Perception'


Ordinances useable:

Suicider Mine - 41% more Chance of breaking - 6% more chance of jamming - relies more on explosives and then Perception - [uses suicider mini nuke model with C4strapped to it (edited model)

C4 Breach Mine - 12% more Chance of breaking - 29% more chance of jamming - relies more on explosives and then lockpicking - they all have the same

Bottle Cap Mine - 7% more Chance of breaking - 42% more chance of jamming - relies more on lockpicking and then Perception -

TNT - 9% more Chance of breaking - 36% more chance of jamming - relies more on explosives and then lockpicking -

Frag mine - 10% more Chance of breaking - 30% more chance of jamming - relies more on explosives and then lockpicking -


-- They all use the:

A random number between 0 and 110 will be generated. If the number is lower than the player's explosives, the container/door will unlock.

If the Number is Above there Explosives and Below there lock picking it will just give a % of failure based on the weapon used and the outcome will be based using their same algorithm except using perception as the draw breaker with a smaller chance of success,


Guns that are explosive will still be effective and same with other explosive ordinances but the 5 explosives above are the most effective means with the least fail safes

[exception being suicider mine as it has the highest fail safe and most likely to succeed aswell.]

the Secondary Skil and Secondary Attributes used will be a fail safe to mix things up a bit.

Edited by ItsCraft
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