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Weird event a few minutes ago...


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So, my GF is playing Fallout 4, not connected to the internet, and I am over here modding Fallout 4 and loading in / out for testing. Well this last time as I closed the game, for whatever reason my PC went into the "Low Memory Mode" where it disables Aero and such, as I closed the game down, which is strange since I have plenty of memory left over to begin with..


but the really weird part? My GF's PC went into low memory mode at the EXACT same moment. Both PC's entered low memory mode, like we had both had something happen.. but the PC's are not linked at all in any way (Not on same power outlet, not on the net). They both reverted back not long after as well, but there wasn't even a 2nd between the PC's switching modes. When I got to the desktop mine switched, as I noted Aero was gone, and my GF complained her game started screen tearing, which happened to be because it switched modes.

How weird is that...? I can think of zero logical ideas of a real reason for this besides completely random chance, but it happened so precisely that it just doesnt feel like chance, ya know? The ONLY thing I can think of is some type of electrical issue.. but nothing flickered that I recall, and we are on different outlets (Not sure if they are the same breaker though.)

Sorry if no one finds this interesting, it just weirded me out, and can't stop pondering it lol.

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I can think of zero logical ideas of a real reason


- scheduled task kicking off at the same time

- depending on your OS, some kind of scheduled/automatic update

- some 3rd party software you both use which has some kind of schedule set and which ran out of control


that's just off the top of my head.

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I hate low memory mode, but what aggravates me the most is when Win7 is like "Low Video Ram, want to switch off Aero?" and I hit the button that says "No and NEVER display this message again!" I've hit that button a bazillion times... >.<

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