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Help with a mod


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OK so I was trying to create a small mod but it wasn't working out well since i'm a noob with TES5Edit. I wanted to create a small mod to have Serana join the College of Winterhold. Instead of staying with the Dawnguard or following you around, she joins the College. The mod will:


1. Move Serana to the College and have it be her home base.

2. Change her clothes to the college robes.


Very small and simple, can someone give me the steps on how to create the mod?



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Well, the high-level overview would be to create a quest that runs only under specific conditions (like "serana is cured" + "dawnguard main quest is finished") which adds an AI package to Serana's ingame alias that makes her travel to the college and then idle around there, with some alterations to her inventory. Small quest script fragments may be involved to actually get her to wear the stuff, I don't recall, it's been a while since I messed around with quests and altering NPCs.


Or you could look at the existing DG main quest and all the stages that have Serana go somewhere/do something and extend that to include the "go to college" bit at the end, but iirc the whole quest was already quite a tortured and fragile thing so I wouldn't touch it tbh.


But you can examine the existing quest stages to understand how quests manipulate NPCs en replicate that for your own purposes - there are many quests ingame that make NPCs travel somewhere and they all use the same basic components.


While the end result you want may be a simple state change (actor to different location), to actually get that state in-game without breaking other stuff would be intermediate/advanced. Or I'm totally overthinking it, that happens sometimes. But I don't think so.

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I don't think that's how that works, and I've tried to explain why as best as I could. You may be better off with a couple of console commands and/or a follower mod that allows you to let people 'make their home'/idle anywhere.

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