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Mods not loading


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Been trying to figure out what's going on and have no idea. Any help is appreciated. Basically when I start new campaign my mods are working (long war menu appears, time not wasted working, loot dropped, etc) but if I save my game exit and then load the game all mods are no longer used even thought they are still showing as loading in the launcher. Mods in use and load order:



More Nations Mod - Astrograph
Combine's Lore Friendly Character Pool
Gears Voicepack
Hack Plus
Starting Staff
Squad Cohesion
All Soldiers Gain XP
Any Class Any Weapon
World Expansion Project
More Map Packs
Maps by Vozati
Mod Config Menu
Additional Mission Types
Mod Everything
EnemyLoot: Expanded Loot Drops
Grimy's Loot Mod
True Retroactive AWC
Disable Timers
Stop Wasting My Time
Instant Avengers Menu
Leader Pack
Long War Toolbox


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First thing to do is have steam validate the game cache (Right Click XCOM 2 > Properties > Local Files > Verify Integrity of Game Cache)

You may do this a few times to be thorough.


If that doesn't seem to help, try deleting and re-downloading a mod or two and see if that works.


If that doesn't work try deleting XComEngine.ini (C:\Users\USER\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame\Config\XComEngine.ini)

The game creates that file on the start menu so there will be a small pause, and you'll have to reapply some of your settings, mainly your graphics.


If all else fails, delete everything and do a clean install (You may have a corrupt file that isn't being caught)

Edited by Gmania123
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Just to add to the cause, I'm having the same problems.
Mods load once, when i quit and relaunch it's all gone.
I usually have some success working around it by deleting all contents under ".\Documents\My Games\XCOM2\XComGame" and then relaunching the game.
But doing it every time sucks a lot!

Will try the solutions mentioned above and will come back if I get any success on fixing it decisively.

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