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Quick Quest - Temp vs. Persistent Objects


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When creating a new object in a cell, is it best to leave it's Record Flag at the default "Temporary" or should I change it to "Persistent"? This is my first go at adding objects and can't seem to find a consistent answer on this that is flipping on the light bulb in my brain.


It is a safe, on a wall, which should remain there for the rest of the player's game as long as the mod remains installed. It should of course be removed if the mod is uninstalled.


Also, if anyone can share some links (on or off the Nexus) that provides "official" or "majority accepted" notes on this, it would be most appreciated. I have had a difficult time finding things that I trust. I'm assuming I'm just not using good search terms or something.



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You can try it with temporary, but make sure to test reloading the cell with and without restarting the game. If your placed object disappears use persistent.

Also your object will not be removed automatically if you uninstall the mod. Simply because the engine does not know which mod added the object.

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You can try it with temporary, but make sure to test reloading the cell with and without restarting the game. If your placed object disappears use persistent.

Also your object will not be removed automatically if you uninstall the mod. Simply because the engine does not know which mod added the object.


Yes it will be removed and yes it does know which plugin it comes from, that's what FormID are for.


Also lookup how persistence works in skyrim moding. It definitively does not work as it did in previous games.

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... and yes it does know which plugin it comes from, that's what FormID are for.

This only applies on object references placed in the render window. All object references created at runtime with the workshop or the placeatme function are not associated to a plugin. As long as the base object is from the vanilla game they will not be removed when the mod is uninstalled.

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Thank you very much everyone, especially for the links. Once you started going back and forth, I remember dealing with this from the "using the mod" side in Skyrim and it started to come back to me. Now that I'm on the other side of the modding equation, obviously I have to pay more attention :)


I think I'm going to have to experiment some more to understand it better in my particular case now that you have all successfully jogged my memory. So far, I've seen no negative affects either way I handle it. Haven't tested the uninstall yet - but need to if for no other reason than my own curiosity - I'm using the basic vanilla wall safe (drag drop into render window), so if I'm understanding what I'm seeing correctly, the form id is of course the same since I didn't create a new safe object before drag and drop (to ensure all the other dependencies worked as expected), so I would expect it to remain after the uninstall. I guess we'll find out :)


Anyway, you guys are great and provided the exact info I was looking for. Thank you very much!

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